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A/n: Beautiful fan art drawn by Sauce_of_5 this chapter is dedicated to you! Also to all of you who are yelling at me about Luke being demi: I said he was demiromantic not demisexual. He is pansexual. So he might not necessarily feel a romantic attraction but a sexual one. But just so I don't offend anyone, I will be explaining things later on in the story.
After their discussion, Ashton dismissed detention early, claiming he had something to do and that nobody else could fill in for him. Now, Luke and Michael were walking back to Luke's house, Calum having gone home to see his sister who was back from uni. As they walked, Michael was lost in thought while Luke rambled about something his brothers did. He was thinking about Ashton. How could this man risk his job just to fuck around with three teenagers? It didn't make sense. But as he went over it more and more, the less he understood. When he started getting a headache, he forced himself to stop thinking and tune into what Luke was saying.

As the feminine boy spoke, Michael watched him, admiring his features. His eyes swept across his fluffy blonde hair down his pale forehead to his striking blue eyes and ski slope nose all the way to his thin, yet plump lips. Luke truly was a very pretty boy and Michael didn't understand how he didn't really start to see it until now.

"You're really pretty." Michael said softly, interrupting whatever Luke was saying.

     Luke looked at him, shocked. Michael had complimented his outfits and makeup but never had he called him pretty. Luke loved it.

"Y-you really th-think so?" Luke beamed.

"Yeah. Yeah I do."

     Neither boy had even noticed that they had stopped walking and we're now facing each other until now. Michael's eyes flickered down to Luke's glossed lips before going back up to his eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" Michael asked quietly.

     Luke just nodded before they crashed their lips together. It was a wonderful feeling, their lips moving together. They got so lost in the feeling that they didn't even realise that they were in front of Luke's house and that Luke's brother, Jack, had come outside until he said "I knew it! Ben owes me twenty bucks."

     The pair quickly jumped apart, starting at Jack with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. The older boy just winked at them before heading back inside, shouting "Use protection!" Behind him.

     Michael just rolled his eyes and turned back to Luke, whose cheeks were flaming. Michael gently placed his hands on Luke's hips, pulling him closer.

"Can we continue what we were doing before?" He questioned.

"Y-yeah." Luke breathed, leaning up to connect his lips with Michael's.
A/n: Okay so I was gonna right smut but I just couldn't get it to come out the way I wanted so I ended up with this Muke filler. I hope you don't mind. I really liked this actually and am very pleased with how it came out. I might double update but I'm not sure so don't hold me to that. Bye lovelies!:3


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