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A/n: Same outfits as last chapter. Also I forgot to add these pictures of the three new characters.


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I hope you enjoy this chapter.
"Calum Thomas Hood!" Joy shouted, pulling Calum's attention away from the TV screen. He had been playing GTA.

"Yes, mom?" Calum called back, pausing the game and getting up to walk to the kitchen where his mother was.

     Calum's eyes widened when he saw her holding his phone, it open to his messages with Ashton, whose name was written as Daddy👅🍆💦.

"What boy are you calling Daddy?" Joy asked.

Calum panicked and spit out the first name he thought of that wasn't Ashton. "Michael! A boy named Michael from school."

Joy raised an eyebrow. "And what is he to you?" She interrogated.

"We're not official, yet. I was gonna ask him over for dinner next week, actually." Calum lied.

"Well we definitely need to meet this boy soon. Ask him to bring his parents as well. I want to meet them and ask if they new anything about your little affair." Joy stated.

"Okay." Calum said with a fake smile. Calum then returned to the living room where he released a big breath. What was he going to do?
(We got some drama going on ooh)

-skipping to later at Ashton's house-

      It was around 6:30 when the sushi arrived at Ashton's house. The boys had all been there for a while, just talking and watching Full House. Calum decided half way through the meal, he would bring up the situation with Michael.

"I may or may not have told my mom that Michael and I were unofficially dating." He rushed out, making the other three look up at him.

"What?" Michael asked, eyes wide.

"My mom found my phone and my messages to Ashton and figured that she wouldn't be happy with the fact that I was calling my English teacher Daddy so I lied told her it was Michael. Now she wants you and your family to come over for dinner next week. I'm sorry." Calum explained.

Michael sighed. "Now I have to postpone Luke's and my date. Damnit! Oh shit. I wasn't supposed to say that."

Luke's cheeks turned pink. "Y-you we-were go-gonna ta-take me ou-out on a-a date-te?" He asked timidly.

Michael nodded. "I was. I am." He replied.

"I'm sorry guys. I really am. I'll just pretend that we broke it off." Calum stated.

"N-no." Everyone looked at Luke, shocked that he protested. "Mi-Mikey wi-will g-go to y-your hou-house for di-dinner-r. Our-r da-date ca-can wait. If-f thi-this thing-g is go-gonna wor-work, we-e hav-have to ma-make sac-sacrifices fo-for ea-each other-er. I-I do-don't want-t Ca-Cally getting-ing in-n tr-trouble-le." Luke said. The blonde then looked at Michael, giving him his best puppy eyes which were accompanied by pouty lips. "W-will y-you do-o it, Mi-Mikey? Pr-pretty pl-please w-with pi-pizza o-on top-p?"

Michael sighed again. "Yes, yes, I'll do it, I promise."

Luke grinned. "Th-thank you-ou, Mi-Mikey!" He cheered.

"Thanks, Mike." Calum said gratefully.

Ashton smiled at his boys. "Well on another note, I have some fun things planned so let's finish up, yeah?" He smirked.

Ashton had never seen food eaten so quickly.
A/n: I was gonna do smut but I'm too tired to write a good quality sex scene rn. I have to get up early to pick my uncle up from the airport so I have to be getting to sleep anyway. I hope you enjoyed. Bye lovelies!:3


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