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A/n: I still take outfits if anyone is interested. I hope you enjoy!
"Hey, Calculator!" Michael called as he walked towards the kiwi boy, Luke's hand clutched in his.

Calum looked up, all of his jock friends looking too. "What's up?" Calum asked.

"What time do I need to be at your place later?" Michael asked.

"5:30." Calum replied.

"Ooh, has Cally got a boyfriend?" One of Calum's friends, Donavan, teased.

Calum's eyes widened. He wasn't out yet. Not at school. He didn't know what to say. Luckily, Michael was their to rescue him. "Ha ha. Very funny, shitstick. Our moms are friends and they're having dinner tonight. Trust me, if it weren't for them, I wouldn't speak a word to any of your team dicks excluding insults and brilliant comebacks that you pea-sized brain cannot process." Michael stated.

Donavan blinked at him. The boy's eyes wandered to Luke, who was fiddling with the sleeve of his jacket. He smirked. "Mind if I borrow your little toy there, Clifford? I'm sure it won't mind me calling it baby girl while I fuck it since that's what it dresses like." He asked.

Luke frowned. Although it wasn't the first time he had been insulted like this, it still hurt. "I-I'm a b-boy." Luke mumbled.

"What was that, slut?" Donavan sneered. Luke whimpered at that name. He hated it. "Oh what? You don't like being called a slut? Well you sure do look like one with those itty bitty skirts on. I'm surprised your parents let you leave the house like that. You're just begging to be bent over." Donavan snickered, eliciting sounds of agreement from others in the group.

During this conversation, both Calum and Michael are growing angrier and angrier, forcing themselves to calm down as to not bash Donavan's head into the floor.

"You're nut job of a boyfriend isn't even standing up for you because he knows it's true. You're just a filthy little whore." Donavan continued. That did it.

Michael released Luke's hand and lunged at Donavan, Calum joining him. The rest of the boys joined in. It was Calum and Michael against six bigger and stronger jocks. One of the boys' girlfriends (Luke thought her name was Jayla) ran off, presumably to find a teacher to break up the fight. Meanwhile, Luke slowly backed away from the fight until his back was pressed to the wall. His breathing picked up.

It was his fault. He caused the fight. Michael and Calum would get in trouble because of him. Calum might lose all of his friends because of him. Luke slid down the wall into a fetal position, his face buried in his hands as the fight raged on.

Soon, Ashton and a few other teachers showed up to break the fight up. The curly haired man sighed when he saw Calum and Michael. Both boys were beaten up pretty badly. Calum had a split lip and was clutching his stomach in pain. Michael's face was covered in forming bruises and he had a gash on his temple.

"What'd you boys get into now?" He sighed.

Before either could answer, a sob was heard. All heads turned to Luke who was hyperventilating, his face wet with tears. Michael rushed to his side.

"Hey, hey, now. Calm down, darling, it's okay. Everything is okay. I need you to calm down, Lu." Michael hushed. When his words didn't work, Michael began to softly hum They Don't Know About Us by One Direction. It was their song. It was playing when Luke came out to Michael, when Michael came out to Luke, and the first time Michael ever saw Luke in a skirt. It was also the song One Direction was singing at their concert when Luke first held his hand. It always made Luke feel better.

Soon, Luke's breathing calmed and he rested his head on Michael's shoulder.

"Thank you." Luke whispered.

"No problem, love. You know I'm always here for you." Michael replied.

Someone cleared their throat. It was Principal Davidson. "My office. Now, boys." He ordered.

All of the boys hurried to the principal's office, Luke and Michael holding hands again.

Once they arrived, Principal Davidson took a seat at his desk, the boys all standing except Luke and another boy due to the fact that there were only two chairs and Michael made Luke sit in one.

"Now, what was this fight over?" Davidson asked.


"C'mon now. If you had no problem causing a scene in the hallway over it you should have no issue telling me about it." The principal encouraged.

"Donavan was being rude to Luke." Calum stated.

"How so?" Davidson asked. He wasn't being partial towards the jocks, he was a very fair man. He just wanted more detail so he knew what he was dealing with.

"He was sexually harassing him by telling him how he'd love to bend him over and calling him a slut and whore." Michael explained.

"He was asking for it." Donavan defended.

"By wearing a skirt?!" Calum yelled. "If so, that means all of your girlfriends are asking for it too!"

Principal Davidson sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Hush, boys. Mr. Hemmings, what did you say in response to Mr. Robinson?" He questioned.

"N-Nothing. H-He w-was call-calling me 'it' b-before a-and I-I told-ld him tha-that I'm a-a b-boy. Bu-But th-that's a-all, S-Sir." Luke answered.

The principal nodded. "So you had no other part in the fight? You didn't provoke anyone purposely?"

"N-no, Si-Sir." Luke confirmed.

"Alright, Hemmings, I'll right you a pass. Head to class now. You won't receive any punishment." Davidson said, causing relief to flood Michael's mind. Luke wasn't in trouble.

Davidson wrote Luke a pass and sent him off, turning to the others. "Who started the physical fight."

"Michael and Calum." A short but muscled boy with brown hair said. His name was Craig.

"Why?" The principal asked. 

"We both are Luke's friends and got fed up with Donavan insulting him. We're both short tempered, as you can see." Calum explained. Michael smiled, pleased that Calum wasn't afraid to own up to being friends with him and Luke.

"I see why you would be but that's no excuse to start a fight. You're all suspended for a week and will have detention with Mr. Irwin for a week once you return. Go grab your belongings, I'm calling parents to come pick you up unless you've got a car. Your suspension starts today."

The boys began to file out of the room. Michael was the last to leave, stopping to ask Principal Davidson a question.

"Principal Davidson?" He asked.

"Yes, Michael?" The man responded.

"Can you let Luke know that I went home? He's gonna need his brother to pick him up because I'm usual ride." Michael explained.

"I'll make sure he's informed." The principal assured.

"Thank you." With that, Michael left.
A/n: Tada! Here's an update for y'all. I like how it came out. This chapter was supposed to be Malum's dinner thingy but I wanted to add a little drama and also this works with my plot well sooooo. I hope you enjoyed! Bye lovelies!:3


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