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A/n: This chapter is dedicated to MushiMushi1 because she woke up just to read my story and that's fucking cool.
Ashton smirked. "Great. Then c'mon over here boys. Let's have some fun."

    Michael and Luke quickly stood up, making their way over to the other two. Calum was still sitting on Ashton's lap and decided to take advantage of the fact that the older man wasn't paying much attention to him at the moment by grinding back on him. Ashton took a sharp breath in when feeling Calum's ass rub against his member. Enjoying the reaction he got, Calum continued to make the motion, that is until Ashton gripped his wide hips tightly.

"Boys, I want you to strip down to your underwear for me and stand in front of the desk before explain what we'll be doing." Ashton ordered.

As the three boys began pulling their clothing off, Ashton made sure the door was locked and that the small window on the door was covered. When he turned around, he nearly moaned at the sight. The three boys all had gorgeous bodies that he wanted to kiss every part of but Luke, who was standing nearest to Ashton, had white lace panties clinging to his hips.

Walking back towards the boys, Ashton began to speak

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Walking back towards the boys, Ashton began to speak.

"Alright, so yesterday, I did a little shopping. Now before I show you what I bought, we need to talk about a safe word. Everyone knows what and ss age word is and what it's used for, yes?"

Everyone nodded, even Luke who had bright pink cheeks.

"Fantastic. Does anyone have a word we could use?" Ashton questioned.

"What if we used mango?" Calum asked.

"Is that okay with you two?" Ashton asked, looking at Luke and Michael who both nodded.

"Okay then our safe word is mango." Ashton stated. "Now let me grab what I bought."

Ashton made his way over to where he had placed his things and pulled a black plastic bag out of the bottom of his bag. He placed the bag on his desk and began taking the items out. On the desk he placed a bottle of lube, two dildos, three cock rings, bandanas, ball gags, three butt plugs, and blindfolds. Looking up at the three younger boys, Ashton studied their reactions. Calum had an excited look on his face, Michael looked aroused, and Luke was flustered. Luckily, none of them showed any signs of being frightened or nervous.

"Now we won't be using all of these things today. But we will use them in the future." Ashton explained. "Let's go over a few things. First, when we are doing something sexual, only call me Daddy. I will call you by the pet names we established before. Michael will be Kitten, Calum will be Angel, and Luke will be Princess. Now, see these?" Ashton motioned to the three butt plugs. The boys nodded. "If like to have you all wear these everyday during school. However, if you aren't comfortable with that, I won't make you. Are you all okay with wearing plugs during school hours?" Ashton asked. They nodded. "Use your words, boys."

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