Underfell Sans X Reader Mine

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This is a suggestion from @Minepearl :)
You are a sweet and caring reader, that is living with the skeleton brothers. You have your own room in the skelebro's house. It's a room on the end after Sans. Though everyone is mean you are super nice to everyone.

"Come on Sans!" I yelled for the lazy skeleton to follow me. "Slow down kid!" Sans yelled. He was slowly walking after me. I ran back grabbing his hand and started to pull him. Sans stumbled after me. In this world nobody had friendship till I fell down here, and well sorta became friends with everybody. Though a lot of the other monsters hate each other, I was able to show them friendship. I let go of Sans hand as we reached Alphys' house. I really like to talk to Alphys because she's super smart and I can speak science and she can understand. I ran up to her door and knocked. "Go away! I don't need any company." I could her Alphys growl from the other side of the door. "It's me y/n, your bestest friend." I heard the clicking of bolts from the door. I jumped slightly as Sans wrapped his arm around me from behind, "Why'd ya drag me here kid?" I shook his arm off, "Don't scare me like that dude. You need to accept others, so this place will become better." Sans rolled his eyes, "Sure kid, whatever keeps ya happy." Alphys opened the door, "Hello y/n how are ya-" Alphys face twisted to a grimace, "Why did you bring him?" Alphys pointed her finger threateningly at Sans. "Trust me I don't want to be here either." Sans shrugged before walking inside.

Sans immediately claimed the couch as his for the day. "Will I be able to leave that filth here alone?" Alphys asked, accusingly. "Yeah, if he gets in any trouble you can blame me." I gave Sans a threatening look, he gave a slight nod acknowledging my death stare. I smiled grabbing Alphys hand, and dragged her to her lab.

She had all sorts of gizmos and gadgets laying around, we fiddled with them for awhile. I often brought Sans with me to Alphys because I felt safe around him. Me and Alphys had been trying to build a machine that would channel determination, thought it. If we could succeed we could escape the underground. Me and Alphys had been building and experimenting with different materials for awhile, three hours at the least. We decided to call of work for the rest of the day when an explosion had rocked the lab. Sans had even come to check on us, all we heard was a slight, "You better not be dead!" I had yelled back to show we weren't dead.

I was helping Alphys clean the blackened lab, when a bang was heard from above. At first me and Alphys thought nothing of it. I even joked the Sans had fallen off the couch. Suddenly we heard yelling. "Is that Papyrus?" I was concerned, Papyrus was never the kindest to Sans. He always wants to irritate he and try to push him over the edge. This isn't gonna end well. "Alphys do you think we should check on them?" Alphys rolled her eyes, "Let them kill eachother, just long as they don't break anything." Really Alphys? Great way to care for other people, uh, monsters. "Fine then I'll do it myself." Dang, Great way of getting on my nerves. I stopped as I heard more yelling, followed by a scream of rage. I looked at Alphys , wide eyed. I turn and started running towards the elevator. Alphys followed at a similar pace. As the elevator opened, pushed my pasted Alphys, "Y/n wait!" I shoved the door open, only to be greeted by Papyrus holding Sans up by the collar of his shirt. "You're worthless. You know that right?" Papyrus threw Sans to the ground and scoffed, "You really think you have friends. Ha! You're more stupid than I thought." Papyrus summoned a bone with his magic. He aimed directly at San's head, "How's about I put you in your place Sans." He growled before launching it at him. Time seemed to slow for me.

"You know I only have one hp, right?" "Heh really Sans, you're more lazy than I thought." One hp. The conversation echoed through my mind. One hp. One hit and he's dead. Dead. . .

"No!" I jumped in front of Sans. "Y/n?!" I heard him call. I gasped as the bone entered my stomach. I doubled over, coughing up blood. I fell to my knees, clutching the bone. "Heh, at least I saved someone." I felt myself fall, but instead of hit the cold, unforgiving floor. I landed in a soft embrace. "K-Kid, why did you do that? Papyrus is right I-I'm worthless. You shouldn't have done that for me." I reached my hand up and lightly brushed Sans cheekbone. "I couldn't watch you die Sans." Sans began to tear up, "Kid p-please don't die. I l-love you." I smiled, before my vision faded to black.

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