Yandere Virus Sans X Virus Reader

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I don't even know. But lol whateves. This insane request, will be fun and quite possible a bit bloody. Oh well! I'm doing it anyway. It might be a bit depressing at first. Tk really likes to write sad stuff. If you guys wouldn't mind maybe she'll post a sad short story or something, but if you guys don't want it, the. I won't post it. Just tell me yes or no. So the usual pacifist human, but you didn't get the chance to fight or even meet Asgore, before the Virus.
Suggested by @Enderiea

Ps sorry for lack of updates, I know I shouldn't make excuses, but I had some personal shiz go down. And I've been bummed out by it, so I think I'm going through a little depression faze, sorry again.

I sat in what used to be Snowdin. The virus had already taken over everything. I sighed, Why didn't it kill me like everyone else? It was the only question I wanted answered, but there was no one else to ask. They were all dead. "Hello." I heard someone speak, I jumped swirling around to see, "Sans?" The skeleton shook his head, "No I'm not Sans, not anymore. You can call me Anti." He held his hand out, I flinched back, "D-D-Don't touch me! I might infect you." I yelped out. Anti only chuckled, placing his hand on my shoulder. I cringed, shutting my eyes tightly, waiting for the infection to take place. Waiting to open my eyes, see fear for his life, as he pleads for me to stop the pain, then dusting, while I did nothing. There was nothing I could do. I opened a single eye, he was smiling at me. "It's gonna be alright kid. I'm gonna take care of you, alright?" He said. My mind felt blurred, almost fuzzy, How, Why, I don't understand. The newcomer took my hand, opening a portal, and began to lead me towards it. I stumbled a bit, trying to pull back. I didn't know where this lead, or who would be on the other side. Probably more people for me to kill. Anti seemed to notice my fear. "It's okay, I'm going to help you. There is no one on the other side, other than Virus and he's just like you." Anti said, trying to reassure me. I gasped, "L-Like me?" I tripped over my own words. He nodded, as he led me into the portal.

On the other side, was surprising blank. "Where is everything?" I asked, looking at my surroundings. I had expected an environment like Snowdin or Waterfall, but Blank Space, it was unexpected for me. There wasn't much, other than the two beds, a table with some chairs, and a few other things. "Well, we live in a place called the Anti-Void. A place between dimensions. Hold on, I think Virus is asleep. I'm gonna wake him up." Anti had sounded like a teacher, before switching to an annoyed tone, to wake Virus. I saw him heading towards the bed with the red sheets, there was a bundle in the middle, which I thought were just blankets, but I guess it was a person underneath all of it.

Virus Pov
"Virus! Get up!" I heard someone yell, it was probably Anti, so I didn't mind. I rolled over falling back asleep, before I had the covers ripped off of me, exposing me to the blaring whiteness of the Anti-Void. I jumped up, glaring at Anti, "What was that for!?!" I yelled rather than asked. "We have a visitor." Anti grumbled, pointing over to his left. There a girl stood, her (hair length) (hair color) fell down her (neck/back) in seemingly waves. Her skin gleamed against the white of the Anti-Void. Her eyes sparkled. I Want Her.

Y/n Pov
"H-Hi." I stammered. I realized it would take some getting used to, talking to people again. It had been so long since I could talk to anybody. I met a few other travelers, What were their names? Ink and Error, I believe. Ink came to try and mend my timeline, giving up, and not wanting to get infected himself. Error had come to destroy my timeline, but upon seeing the virus he turned and fled. There was one more, Fresh. He liked to hang around for short periods of time, and make fun of me. He always like to talk about how I was a parasite like him, I snapped screaming that at least he could control who he killed. He left and never came back. I stood motionless, waiting for the silence to be broken. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Virus." The Sans in the red coat said. "It's nice to meet you to." I replied. He hopped out of his bed, walking closer to greet me. I noticed he had the broken code throughout his face. The black and green, seemed to add to the terror of the virus, I guess I'm lucky I got it in my arm. "You're a virus. Like me." He stated absentmindedly. "Yeah, I guess I am," I gave a nervous chuckle, "My names Y/n by the way." I have a shy smile. Anti sighed, "I guess you two are going to get along great."

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