HorrorTale Sans X Insane Reader

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This is an insane reader x Horrortale Sans. This is a neutral route story, as well as a human reader. I'm sorry for the lack of updates, I've had a lot going through my life, and I can't do much right now. I'm really sorry.

"I can't stay here!" I yelled at Toriel. She looked horrified, "No. No. No. My child," she pleaded, "Please do not leave me, I can't let you go out there. There. They'll, they'll kill you." I grimaced, hardening my emotions. "I don't care! Anywhere is better than living here." I growled the last words. Toriel's face lost all emotion. "Very well my child." Toriel ran downstairs. "Wait!" I called, before quickly following after her.

When I finally caught up to her, she was laughing. "You'll never leave. Never! Never! Never!" She continued laughing. "Please, I want to leave." "No!" She screeched. I jumped to the left, dodging a fireball. "Get Away!" She screamed, between cackles. "I want out!" I screamed back, yanking the toy knife out of my pocket. It was dulled, but it would still hurt. "I don't want to do this. Let me leave." I said, harshness woven in my voice. Toriel flinched back, "NO! YOU'LL DIE!" She screamed, hurling fireballs at me. One caught my arm, burning a whole through my long sleeved shirt. I let out a scream, lashing out with the knife. It slide across her face. She yelped falling backwards. I slashed again, and again, and again. I began laughing. "Out. Out. Out! Out! OUT! OUT! OUT!" I yelled at as each stab plunged into Toriel's flesh. "M-My ch-child-d plea-please." She gasped, as my knife met her skin again. She fell limb, turning to dust underneath me. "I want out." I muttered, pushing myself off of the ground. Stumbling to the doors. Too bad monsters turn to dust, I'm hungry. I pushed the door open, letting snow blow in. I stepped into the cold, knife in hand. I wanted out.

I walked through the snowy forest, I heard a stick snap behind me, I whipped around, slicing my knife at . . . Nothing. I grimaced, but turned around walking again. I began walking, till I came to a dilapidated fence, I raised an eyebrow in confusion. I turned around seeing nothing there. "What?" I turned back to the fence, and with an easy shove, tumbled it to the ground. I stepped through the rumble, seeing a tall figure in the distance. I dashed into the tree line, seeing the figure approach. It's jagged teeth would have gleamed in the crisp air, if they weren't covered in a red substance. I was guessing blood. I slipped through the trees, seeing some sort of stand. I peeked around the tree for a better look, slamming my back against the tree after seeing another monster. "Hey kiddo, come out! I'm not gonna hurt you, or anything." I heard the cruel voice echo. I peeked back around the corner. I'd already saved, so it's been fine to talk, wouldn't it. I stepped out from behind the tree. "There she is." The monster smirked, I cringed as I walked closer. Each gory detail was brought into view. "Hey kiddo, want a hotcat?" He asked, "Umm, no?" I answered, "Fine then." He responded, sounding offended. He paused, letting the silence fall between us. "Why's a kid like you down here?" The skeleton asked, "No reason." I said, with a hollow tone. "I'm y/n." "Sans." Came his reply, followed by the clicking of his fingers on the wooden boards. My eyes landed on the axe laying behind him, I felt fear shake through me. I began stepping backwards. San's hand shot out, gripping the collar of my shirt. He slammed my head down on the wood. "NO!" I screamed, scratching my fingernails down is skeletal frame. "What's wrong kid, Scared?" My voice screeched out high pitched noises as I left scratches down his face with both hands. With a malicious laugh he let up, letting me spring backward into the snow. "You sick, twisted-" I cut myself off it didn't matter. His twisted smile showed it was only a joke in his mind. He let out a creaky laugh, "Don't jump out of your skin yet kid." His tone curled and slide, as he took hold of his own eye socket. I felt my own laugh bubble out of my throat, it seeped into the air, turning Sans smile to a crooked frown. "Kiddo?" He asked, concerned and confused. "Hahahaa. Not a joke." I snapped, smirking at his fallen face. Sans tilted his head, gripping harder into his eye, "You aren't right in the head kid. No no. Not right." Sans snickered to himself. I turned to go, "I'm not, never will, never had." I murmured to him, taking my leave. My feet making small patting noises in the snow. Each crunch sounded of a small bone breaking to me. It made me happy, it made me smile.

AU Sans  X Reader Long OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now