Sleepy Sans (Part 3)

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This is a continuation of a continuation of a previous part. Okay same lines as last time. Your a monster and I guess I'll skip like to a year after you started your relationship with Sans.  Suggested by @XxGarmauxX

"Alright Papyrus, Thanks." I said into the phone, "I'll see you soon." I smiled, even if he couldn't see it. "I will see you soon Y/n. Good bye!" He replied, as he hung up. I looked into the living room, I chuckled at Sans. He lay on the couch asleep, Frisk was on his stomach, mid-nap as well. I giggled, walking up to them. I easily lifted Frisk off Sans ribcage. They murmured something, and yawned sleepily. I walked to Frisk's room, sitting them on the bed. "Momma, What are you doing?" They murmured, as I pulled out a bag, and began pack clothes and toys. "You're going to Papyrus's house to stay." I answered, Looking for Frisk's other shoe. I kept looking for it, everything in Frisk's room was well kept and in order. Where could it be? "Frisk honey, Where is your shoe?" I asked, Frisk gave a giggle, I raised an eyebrow at the kid. "It's in the living room next to dad's sock." They squeaked, falling back and giggling. I rolled my eyes, "Why is it in there?" Frisk looked at me, and giggled again, "I'm gonna be like dad!" They said, kicking their feet as they laughed. "Please Frisk, Don't be like your father." I muttered the last part, heading to the living room to retrieve the shoe. I saw Sans laying on the couch, with his head propped up. "Hey baby, Whatcha doing?" He asked, not bothering to get up. "I'm discouraging Frisk not to grow up and be like you." I muttered, as Sans stood up. "Aw babe, don't be a stick in the mud." Sans teased, as he approached me. "Hm, I guess your right, I still don't want Frisk to grow up and be lazy." I pointed out, as Sans wrapped me in a hug. "Happy one year anniversary babe~" he purred in my ear. "That's right, you didn't forget our date tonight, did you?" I teased, fluttering my eyes at him. "Naw, I got big plans." He murmured, as he leaned in pressing his teeth to my lips. I immediately kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He smirked as he pulled away, "Somebody's greedy." He joked, as I pulled away. "Shut up, I've got to get Frisk ready." I muttered, as Sans started heading for the couch, "You better not be going to take a nap." I said, he turned winking at me. "Nope just gonna go over what I have planned, big plans, everything needs to go right." He said, with a shrug. I waved him off, "Whatever." I muttered, heading back to pack Frisk's things. Tonight was going to be big, how can I tell? Sans actually planned something. That's how.

Timeskip to Paps

I knocked on the door, waiting for Paps. I didn't have to carry Frisk's bag, since Sans had teleported us here. Papyrus opened the door with the biggest smile I'd ever seen. "Hello Y/n, Frisk, Sans!" He yelled in his usually tone. "Sup Pap." Sans said walking inside. I sighed before I followed with Frisk close behind. "So Papyrus, Frisk is going to be staying for tonight, me and Sans will be back to pick them up tomorrow." I said as I cleared up a few more details about Frisk's stay. Sans had fallen asleep on the couch. I looked to the clock, 2:25. No doubt Mettaton would take till six to do my makeup and dress. I gently shook Sans awake, "Sans come on I have to go get ready." I said as he sleepily looked up at me. "Fine, just let me get up." He said with a yawn. He stood and stretched as we said our goodbyes to Frisk and Papyrus. Sans wrapped his arm around me, before teleporting us to my front door. "Alright Sans, I've got to head to Mettaton's place, see you at six at MTT Resort." He nodded at me, "I'll be there." He said with a wink, before heading back towards Snowdin. I started shuffling towards Hotland.

Time skip because no one wants me to write two hundred words about walking

I arrived at the Resort, heading inside. There were all sorts of monsters around, but I headed for the cafe. "Hey BurgerPants how you been?" I asked, "You know the usually." He muttered back, Classic BurgerPants, the underground emo. "Have you seen Mettaton, he's supposed to do my makeup for tonight." I asked, as Bp just rolled his eyes. "I saw him in the back, but what's so special about tonight?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me. "Oh," I said giving a slight giggle, "It's actually my one year anniversary of dating Sans." I answered, he gave me a smile, "That's great, I'm happy for ya kiddo." He said, "But best you head on, you don't want to be late for tonight." I nodded, heading around him, "See ya later Bp." I said, he returned a nod, going back to his job. I pushed the door open into the back of the cafe, seeing a ton of doors. "Hey Mettaton!" I called, hearing no reply, I walked looking for the door labeled Mettaton. I soon found it, giving a knock. "Just one minute!" I hear a call from the other side. I gave a sigh, followed by a chuckle, as the door was thrown open. "Oh! Hello Darling, you've come for your makeover!" Mettaton squealed, pulling me into the room. To no one's surprise the room was covered head to toe in black and pink. "M-Mettaton?" I squeaked as he ushered me into a chair. "Yes darling?" He asked, as he began looking through outfits for me to wear. "Um, well I just wanted to say thank you for helping me out." I said, I looked at myself in the mirror. Something told me in a few hours I would be a completely different person. "No problem dear, so what are you looking for?" He asked, i thought for a moment before replying, "I want something pretty and simple, and preferably not a ball gown." I said, he paused, tapping his chin. "I think I know just what you're looking for." He came back carrying a (fav color) dress, with a low neck cut, thin sleeves, that looked like it would drop just above my knees. (Something like this) #googleimagespsnotmydress

  (Something like this) #googleimagespsnotmydress

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"Oh Mettaton, It's perfect!" I squealed. It was going to be a long night for me.

Timeskip for doing makeup.

I looked back in the mirror wearing my dress, my hair styled just the way I like it. With matching lipstick and eyeshadow. I gave a giggle, "Sans is going to love this." I murmured. Mettaton gave me a warm smile, "He's a lucky man." Mettaton said, "Go on sweetheart, I'll be in the diner later to check on you two." He said, ushering me out of the room. "Bye Mettaton, and thank you very much." I said, as I turned to walk away, "Don't thank me, Now knock'em dead darling!" Mettaton said, waving to me. I turned giving him a smile, waving back. Now time to find Sans. I thought shuffling out of the ba kroon. BurgerPants sat at his stand he gave me a smile, "Good luck Y/n." He said, giving me a thumbs up. I grinned back. I walked out to the waiting room. I almost didn't recognize Sans in a suit. "S-Sans?" I asked he turned, wearing that stupid lazy grin of his. "Oh, Wow." He stood stunned, "Y/n? Is that you?" He asked, walking up to take my hand. "Yeah it's me, you like it, don't you?" I asked, I almost felt self-conscious in the dress. "I love it." He murmured, pulling me in for a kiss. I giggled, "Alright Sansy, let's have a fun night." Sans pulled me along through the restaurant, I walked after Sans. I gasped seeing a fancy dinner already laid out. Everything looked good, and considering how Sans looked, he'd been planning this a long time. I sat down across from Sans, he looked nervous. I wonder what he's up to?

Smol Timeskip

Me and Sans had eaten and were just kind of talking. To me it was the perfect anniversary. "Well Sans, it's getting late, you wanna head on." Sans paused at my words. A small blush grew on his face, "Actually I have an important question." He twiddled his fingers as I stood. "Alright what is it?" I asked, as Sans stepped out in front of me. I gasped as he got down on one knee. Is he going to ask? No he couldn't, could he. Oh my gosh. My thoughts began flipping out, as he took my hand in his. "(First and Last Name) I love you with all of my heart." I gasped, covering my mouth, as he pulled out a ring. "Will you be with me for the rest of my life?" He asked, looking up, wearing a smile. I grinned at him, as tears pricked in the corners of my eyes. "S-Sans, yes!" I squeaked, feeling tears roll down my cheeks. This is happening, this is really happening. Sans slid the ring onto my finger, before standing and hugging me. I gripped the collar of his shirt pulling him into a kiss. He broke the kiss, still holding me close. "Well Y/n, you're mine forever." He murmured, kissing my cheek. "I love you Sans." I whispered to him. "Love you to babe." He whispered right back.

Lovely Timeskip to the house

We walked back to the house, mostly we didn't know what to say. "Sans?" I asked, as the house came into view. "Yes?" He answered, looking to me. "How are we going to plan a wedding?" I asked looking to my feet. "I don't know," Sans replied, "But, we'll do it." He finished, wrapping his arms around me. I snuggled into his arms, "I love you San." Sans stopped walking, tilting my chin up to look at him, "I love you to Y/n."

Omg short chapter but whatever, I've been thinking about discontinuing this and just posting chapters every now and then, but no every week updates. I love and thank everyone who has read this book so far. Thank you - Pink Out
(Ps word count is 1761)

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