Yandere SwapSans X Neko Reader

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You thought you'd saw the last of me.
Alrighty monster neko reader X yandere swap, this should be fun, (insert evil smile)
I would like to thank kawaii_sans_gurl47 for the great support for this book, you inspired me to continue this.

Thank you @Undertale_fan_6792 for the suggestion

I was new in Snowdin, I used to live in waterfall, but a change in scenery is nice every now and again. My best friend Alphys tried convinced me to move to Hotland, instead of here, she hates it here. It's too cold for her, but she told me about some people in the town. Sans and Papyrus, I think that was their names, I should probably go see them, and make some friends. So there I stood on their front porch. I gently knocked on the door and without a second to spare it was swung open by a small skeleton. "Oh! You must be the new girl, Y/n right?" He asked, I nodded, "What's your name?" His eyes immediately turned to stars, "Why I am the magnificent Sans! How may I help you?" He asked as shook my hand, "Oh I just wanted to say hi." I said, as they small skeleton gleamed at me. "Come on inside, Alphys told me a lot about you, we should get along great!" He said pulling me inside, it was relatively clean. My ears flicked at the warmth of the house, perking back up, from laying flat on my head. "So you must be Sans. Alphys told me about you too." I said with a smile. Sans pulled me along, into the living room, and set me on the couch. "So where are you moving to, miss Y/n?" I easily wrapped my tail around me to lay on my lap, "I'm moving in a little bit further down, away from town." I replied, as Sans smile grew, as he took a seat beside me. "Hey this may sound weird, but can I rub your ears?" He asked, a small blush growing on my face, "Sure." I replied, as he stretched a hand out towards me. He was surprisingly gently as he patted my ears. I let out a small purr, as he rubbed at them. "Oh my gosh, your so cute." He squeaked as he pulled back. A blush grew across my face, "C-Cute?" I asked, Sans nodded, "Yeah!" I looked away with a shy smile, "Thanks, but I think I should be going." I said as I stood to go, Sans grabbed my wrist. "Already!" He exclaimed, as I gave a small chuckle, "Yeah I have some things to unpack, I'll see you later Sans." I said, as Sans released my hand. "I'll come visit you later. I promise." Sans said, jumping up and wrapping me in a hug. "S-Sans?" I squeaked, as he let go of me. "Yes?" He said smiling at me innocently. "Nothing." I mumbled as I smiled, "See you later." I said waving, and heading for the door. He waved sadly, "See you later Y/n." He said, his smile grew back on his face as I left.

Timeskip to after some moving

I sat on my bed unpacking my clothes and hanging them up in my closet. I had finally moved all of my things from Waterfall to Snowdin, with the help of Alphys. She had gone back to Waterfall to see Undyne for now. My ears perked up, as I heard a small knocking at my door. I got up and headed for the front door, I opened it revealing the skeleton I had met earlier and a taller skeleton with him. "Oh, hi Sans." I said with a small smile, "Who's this?" I asked, as I invited the two inside. "Oh this? This is my brother Papyrus." Sans said patting his brother's stomach. "Sup." He said, pulling out a cigarette. "Papyrus!" Sans yelled as I giggled. "Don't smoke in Y/n's house!" He said, as Papyrus shrugged, "Sorry dude, I needed a smoke." He said, heading for the door, "I'll be back in a minute." He walked out the door closing it behind him. "Well that takes care of him for a little bit." Sans muttered, before switching to a smile. "So how are you Y/n!" He shouted wrapping me in a hug. "I've been good Sans." I said with a chuckle, he let me go, as he grinned, "That's great to hear." He said, heading for the couch, "You don't mind if I sit, do you?" He asked, I shrugged, "Go ahead. I don't care." I said, I turned to go grab something, until I was pulled backward. I landed on the couch next to Sans, held onto my wrist tightly. "Where are you going missy?" He asked, as he let go of my wrist, wrapping his arms around me. "I was just gonna grab a drink or something." I said, smiling at Sans. "Just stay here for a little bit okay." Sans murmured, I felt my ear twitch away from something, as I realized it was San's hand. He began rubbing at my ear again, I almost wanted to purr. "Y/n," he whispered, "I know we just met, but you are truly beautiful. . . Will you do the honor of being my girlfriend." He murmured, it sent shivers down my spine, bad shivers. I lightly pushed him away. "Sans it is true, we just met, but I would be happy to go on a date with you, not today though. I have a lot of things to do. I still have to unpack, but maybe tomorrow, or the day after that." I began, as Sans cut me off, "So your saying that you will be my girlfriend, correct." He said smiling brightly. I couldn't say no to that face, I nodded, "Yes Sans that's what I'm saying." I said, as Sans eyes switched to hearts. "This is fantastic Y/n! Thank you for accepting my love." He wrapped me in a tight hug, as Papyrus walked back in from his smoke break. "What'd I miss?" He asked raising an eyebrow at us. I gave a nervous chuckle, "Um, Well. . ." I didn't know what to say. Sans let go of me, "Me and Y/n were just talking." He said, looking at me and winking at me. I got what he was doing, "Yeah, So how was your smoke?" I asked, trying to get past the subject. "It was good," he said slouching against the wall, "How was you chat?" He asked, as I began to get nervous. Why is he pressing on the topic? "It was good. Me and Sans were just talking." I smiled at Papyrus. "Well then, whaddaya think of my little bro?" He asked, I looked at Sans feeling a small blush grow on my face. "He's pretty cool." I said, Papyrus gave a lazy grin. "I'm glad you like him. He's been looking for a good friend." Papyrus said raising an eyebrow at Sans. A pouty face grew on Sans. "Papyrus! Stop it! You must be making Y/n uncomfortable." Sans yelped as he gripped Papyrus's hand. He began dragging him towards the door, "Come on Papyrus, we're leaving." He muttered, "Bro are you just gonna leave Y/n hanging?" Papyrus said, rolling his eyes. Sans let out a gasp, as he let go of Papyrus, "Your right!" He ran back to me wrapping me in a tight hug, "I promise to visit tomorrow," He lowered his voice to a whisper, "I love you baby." I blushed, "I-I'll see you tomorrow Sans." I said. Sans smirked at me, as he turned back to Papyrus, and started pushing him out of the door. "Go Papyrus! Bye Y/n!" He called finally pushing Papyrus out the door. He waved before closing it. I slouched back against the couch. I let my eyes drift shut. What was I even doing, I almost wished Sans had stayed a little longer. I hope we get along good in the future Sans.

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