Sleepy Sans X Reader (Part 2)

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This is a continuation of a previous part. I'm actually really excited to write. I've never actually wrote a part two of any of my stories. So you are a monster in this, and well same baselines as last time. Except I'm skipping forward in time. I guess a year into you and Sans current relationship. Suggested by @Luna_the_warewolf

I cut my eyes at Sans as he laid asleep on my counter, "Sans move to somewhere else, anywhere else really!" I groaned trying to move him. But he head his mind set on sleeping on my counter and was using his magic to hold himself in place. I shoved him, causing him to stir, "Why won't you let me sleep?" He asked, His eye sockets were half open in the light of the kitchen. "Sans I'm letting you stay here, and I have to clean twice as much with you here, so go. Sleep. Somewhere. Else!" I giggled as I yelled, I was frustrated with him, he always seemed to find the best ways to annoy me, and I don't blame him. I would find my reactions hilarious as well. Sans stood and yawned, walking into the living room, "Have fun cleaning Y/n!" He called as he walked around the corner. "Finally." That got annoying somewhere around the first hundred times he did that. I sighed as I began sweeping around where Sans had been sleeping, I still don't get it. Even though he has been sleeping less, he still sleeps over more than half the day. I finished the sweeping, emptying the dust pan in the trashcan. I had let my thoughts drift to Sans again. I know I'm dating him, but I still think it's unhealthy to have you mind on one certain thing for to long. I stretched, before walking into the living room, "Hey Sans I'm- What?" Sans wasn't on his usually spot on the couch, Maybe he went to the bathroom, I shrugged it off. Walking into my own room, and sure enough, there was Sans, laying asleep on my bed, "Heh, Why should I expect better of him." I smiled, I didn't mind Sans lazy tendencies, it gave me something to do. I didn't bother changing into pajamas, So I just crawled into my bed, beside of Sans. "Y/n?" Sans rolled over looking at me, "Yeah," I answered, "What is it?" Sans raised an eyebrow, "Ta be honest kid, I thought you were gonna push me off the bed for sure." He chuckled, and I smirked, "I still have time." I squealed, as I rolled, tackling Sans on the bed, trying to push him off, "Nooooo! Why Y/n!?!" He rolled over trying to throw me off, "Hahaha! I have you now." I had pinned Sans arm behind his back. I didn't plan on hurting him, but it was to let him know what I was capable of. "Alright you win." He said, with a smug tone of voice, I heard a ping as my soul lit up and I was lifted into the air. "No fair Sans! My Magic isn't as strong as yours!" I yelped, then giggled, as Sans rolled over on his back, dropping me on his stomach. "That's solves our little problem doesn't it?" Sans asks, I turn my head away with crossed arms. Sans grabs my chin turning my face back to his. "Don't be angry Y/n. You beat me. I just wanted to do this." He brought my lips to his teeth. I felt his tongue brush against my teeth. He always wanted to make out. That hasn't changed since we first started dating. I uncrossed my arms, wrapping them around his shoulders, breaking the kiss. "Ya know maybe we can sleep now." Sans yawned, considering my statement, "Yeah, but only if you stay right here." He grinned up at me, I rolled my eyes, "Okay then Sans." I snuggled my head into his hoodie, and began falling asleep. Sans was humming something, I've heard that song before, but where? I knew that song and it would bug me until I figured it out, but I drifted off to sleep, thinking of where that song could have come from. It was so familiar, yet so distant.

In Dream World
I sat up rubbing my head, "Wait. . . What! Where am I?" I sat up looking to a strangely familiar setting. White with a small building standing there. I walked closer, examining the small house. I heard music playing, Wait. Isn't that the song that Sans was humming earlier? Suddenly it all hit me, This was the house that I created while dreaming, and that's the song that was playing while me and Sans danced. I bright smile lit up my face, I had solved the puzzle. Papyrus would be proud! I walked up to the door, twisting the handle. The darkness of the house, was illuminated, by a bright light, that Sans stood in the middle of. He was in his fancy, black suit. I grinned, I started walking towards him, feeling a dress form around my pajamas. Sans grinned, as a small blush formed on his face. I giggled, as he held his hand out to me. I took his hand, as we started to dance. He grinned pulling me against his chest. "Just like the first time, I'm expecting a kiss at the end." I blew a raspberry at him, "Alrighty then Sans." He grinned at my answer, with a chuckle. I smiled back softly, leaning against him, as the song began to slow. The music stopped, Sans gripped the end of my chin, tilting it up wards towards his face. His teeth reached my lips, it was a gently, loving kiss. These were the kinds of kisses that showed love, not LOVE. I leaned back, looking Sans in the eyes and fluttered my eyes, "One more, Pretty please." Sans sighed leaning back in. I gleamed, wrapping my arms around his neck. Meeting him half way, I broke our kiss. "You know I love you when you do that." I joked, he raised an eyebrow at me, "What this?" Sans shuffled throwing me up, to hold me bridal style, swirling me around the room. I squealed, "Sansy, Stop! Don't drop me!" I held my arms around his neck. "Don't worry baby. I've got you." His swirling ceased as he cradled me against him. "It's almost time to wake up." He muttered, pulling me closer, "What's wrong Sans?" I questions looking up at him. He let out a sigh, setting my feet back on the ground. "It's just. . . You seem so carefree here. I want you to feel like that all the time, but I know it's only possible here." He looked down. I wrapped my arms around him, "I'm carefree here, because I feel closer to you. If you ever want to do this in real life Sans, just let me know." I squeezed him. As he stroked the top of my head. "You're too beautiful for words to describe." His fingers danced through my hair, as I leaned against him.

AU Sans  X Reader Long OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now