Eleven ; Planned Assasination

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I woke up in a dimly lit concrete room covered in plastic. I've seen this before.

"Just kill me already." I said blankly.

"We're goin to make you suffer, Ms.Luciano." he smirked disgustingly.

April's POV

"Where's Esme and Ethan?" I asked Grayson who shrugged. "Probably having sex or something. They barely come to school now." Grayson replied.

"No, she's pregnant. And she was walking to school today... her and Ethan are on a break right now. Somethings up." I told Grayson.

"Im gunna be a uncle!? Wow." Grayson said ignoring ny concern.

So, Ethan and Esme are on break, she was walking to school, but she's not here. She wouldn't ditch unless she was with Ethan, theyre supposed to kill each other...

Ethan's going to kill Esme.

Esme's POV

I sat in my chair, looking at the different murder subjects on the table in front of me.

"Choose your fate sweetheart." The man said.

I didnt say anything.

"Guess we'll just have to start with the baby." He said evily, walking closer with a knife.

I fell backwards in my chair, breaking the restraints. I dug one of the chair arms into his head, the nails piercing through his skull.

More men bursted through the door, one with a baseball bat used all his force to hit me on my left knee. I fell to the floor in pain, knowing he broke it.

Another man tugged my hair so my neck was back, and he sliced my face from the middle of my nose to my jaw near my ear. I screamed out in pain.

"No begging for your life sweetheart? No begging for your baby to live?" One of them said, holding an aluminum bat while they pointed a gun to my temple.

"Just fucking kill me, im not going to beg you fucking asshole." I spat as the man with the gun stood me up from my knees. I winced, due to my now broken knee.

I slammed my head back, causing the man to drop his gun. Regardless of the pain, i picked it up quickly, sending a bullet through his skull. I pointed it at the man with the bat, he dropped his bat and begged for mercy but i sent one through his skull too.

3 more came through the door, i shot 2 of them, but i heard a click when the last one neared.

I picked up a knife off the table, throwing it in between his eyes.

I then called my Uncle Tony.

E: Tony, im having a party, you should come.
T: how many people are there? You know i dont like big parties.
E: its small. Bout 6 people.
T: i'll come with your cousins. Save us food.

Thank god for talking in code.


2:18 am

"Jesus Esme, you took out all these men?" Lenny asked. I nodded. "Should be easy to clean, they covered the room in plastic. They didnt expect me to kill em." I said.

"You okay?" Frankie asked me, one of my Uncle's mobsters. Who, i dated before Ethan. "Yeah, im okay." I said quietly. I looked up at him, his birthday just passed, 18.

"You dont look like it. Im takin you to the hospital, i already know your pregnant and all." Frankie said.

"You know we don't go to hospitals." I said. "We'll say you were dirtbiking or something." He said. "Fine." I said giving in. "But theyre gunna think im stupid for being pregnant."

"All teens are dumb."


I had a giant cast on my left leg, you cant even see my leg. And the worst part, i have to keep it straight. Also, i have stitches across the right side of my face, thats gunna be a scary lookin scar.

BUT, somehow, my baby is okay. Thats a mystery. I already know Uncle Tony will be trying to put him in the mafia as soon as they can walk.

"Frankie." I said when he pulled up to my school. "What? Im already enrolled. Dont forget im a senior." He said, his Italian accent as strong as mine.

"I dont wanna be seen like this Frankie." I said quietly, examing my hideous scarred face, covered in a bandage on one side.

"Anyone says anything i got ya sweetheart, i still love you Esme. Your my first love, and i know its the same for you." Frankie said speaking the truth. "Let me see your schedule." I said.

We had, 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 6th together.

"We should start headin to 1st period Frank." I said, needing help headin to the car.

When i got out people came up to me and handed me gifts and get well cards. Thats odd. I thanked them all anyway.

"Seems like your popular." Frankie said. I shrugged. "Doesnt mean anything." I said blankly, struggling to walk with being able to barely move my leg.

Frankie helped me the whole way, not leaving my side at all.

When we arrived to first period we recieved stares since we were late. I dont get why the hospital didnt just give me a wheel chair.

"Who are you?" Our annoying teacher asked. Frankie handed her his schedule and she decided to questiom him, in front of the whole class.

"And how do you know Ms.Luciano? Frankie Delgado." She said sassily.

"She's my ex. We met through her Uncle in Italy." He said a bit rudely. "We were together for 2 years." He said lastly before he sat next to me.


3rd period

I handed my note to Mr.Davis, who had me sit on a bench in the gym while i watched everyone play dodgeball.

I mugged Ethan who pretended to look concerned about what happened to me. He caused this.

Ethan hit Frankie in the face with a dodgeball, causing Frankie to throw one back harder. Oh no.

I stood up, walking as fast as i can over to the now arguing boys.

They started throwing fists, but i broke it up quickly when realization hit Ethan that he accidently hit my face instead. I threw a punch back at him, cutting his nose with ring.

"Luciano! Sit down!" Coach yelled, making me go back to my seat.

I looked at my casted leg, touched my scarred, stitched face. I felt my stomach. I've done nothing but put my baby in danger. What kind of mom am i?

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