Twelve ; Baby Drama

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Several Months Later

I sat in science class, my belly big and round, and now just a big brace on my leg, a nasty scar on my face that makes a lot of people fear me.

I sat in the middle of Frankie and Ethan, who have learned to get along... Just a little bit.

Me and Ethan were broken up now, and i dont know what me and Frankie are. I will always love him, but i have feelings for Ethan too.

"You comin Es?" Frankie asked me when the bell rang. "Just a minute, i kinda want to be alone Frank." I said quietly he nodded leaving.

I gathered my stuff, and walked to my locker slowly.

"Hows my baby?" Ethan asked quietly,  standing beside my locker. I didnt answer him. He touched my stomach gently, making me tense.

"Dont touch me Ethan." I said. "Why?" He asked.

"Look at me, YOU did this. Your lucky you weren't there, or else i wouldve gave you the slowest, most painful death of all time." I whispered the last part in his ear.

"Im sorry Es. I was just mad because you wanted a break." Ethan pleaded.

"Fuck you Ethan, your lucky i dont kill you right now." I spat, walking away.

"Esme, let me take you somewhere. Lets have an adventure, like old times." Ethan tried. "I got deported last time we had an adventure." I said.

"We arent leaving the state this time. Just please Esme, i'll get you food." Ethan said.

"Fine, only because im hungry." I said, walking out to his car.


Ethans POV

I sat quietly on the riverbank next to Esme, who was eating her food.

"You dont want any?" Esme asked me. I shook my head but she insisted on feeding me some french fries.

I ate them, but then i looked away. Something came over me and i cant stop crying now.

"Ethan?" Esme asked, concerned. I heard the rustling of the paper as she moved her food to move closer to me.

She held me close, rubbing my back gently. "Whats wrong?" She questioned.

"I cant be without you Esme. I dont know what it is, but i need you. Why do you think i always end up near you at school? Esme please, just give me another chance. Let me show you what you and our son or daughter mean to me." I pleaded.

"Okay Ethan." She said, kissing my forehead gently.

"Im due anyday now baby. Wanna hear the names i thought of?" She asked. "Of course." I said, wiping my tears.

"I was thinking Giovanni Grant Dolan for a boy, and Abelie Isabella Dolan for a girl. Abelie meaning 'honeysuckle'." She said happily, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I feel like your having twins." I said, chuckling a bit. "I wouldnt know, i never wanted them to tell me how many or the gender. Just if they were healthy." She replied.

"You are bigger tha--"

"Shut up Dolan." She said.

Esme's POV

"I have to pee." I said, gathering my leftover food and stuffing it in a bag and finding a trashcan for it.

"Bathrooms are over there." Ethan said, pointing to a small building.

I walked over, more like waddled over. And after using the bathroom i washed my hands and left.

"Did i just fucking pee myself?" I asked myself looking at the wetness in my pants. Oh fuck no.

I saw Ethan walk over to me and he started laughing. "Did you pee yourself?" He asked, snapping a quick photo of my shocked face and wet pants.

"No dumbass, i think my water just broke." I said quickly, trying to walk back to Ethans car but the contractions started.

Ethan helped me inside, as he quickly started driving away.


"It hurts Ethan." I said out of breath when he tried to help me ignore the pain.

"Baby just push okay? You'll be fine just think of whats going to come out of it. Something beautiful that we created." Ethan said.

I pushed another big push, hearing a cry.

"A Boy!" The nurse announced, then took him to get cleaned up and clothed.

"Theres a second head!" Another nurse announced and i had to start pushing all over again.

"We have to go into a C-section, theyre too big." The nurse said, wheeling ny bed into another room.

I felt Ethans hand slip out of mine, and i went cold from loss of touch.

Ethan's POV

"Your girlfriend is okay, she'll be brought in in a couple of minutes. And im very sorry, but your little girl has a heart and lung defect. Her chance of living is 32%. You can see her after surgery. But your baby boy is very healthy." A nurse told me.

I didnt know what to do, i was lost. Alone. My baby girl, only having 32% chance of living? I only have a 32% chance of walking her down the aisle? Hearing her first words? Beating up the boys who break her heart?

A nurse brought me 2 birth certificates.

Giovanni Grant Dolan

Abelie Isabella Dolan

After filling them out and signing them, a nurse brought me my baby boy. I held him tightly, crying at the sight of my son Giovanni.

He cried softly, but i rocked him gently and he opened his eyes to look at me.

"Hi Gio, its me. Im your daddy." I said quietly. "You have a beautiful mom, and a little sister. Lets hope she lives little Giovanni. You guys will be the bestest of friends. You have a Uncle. He looks like me! He's a twin. Just like you are." I said to him.

Esme was wheeled in, and her tear stained cheeks made it obvious she got the news already.

I handed her Giovanni, and she started crying even more.


Esme's POV

Uncle Tony, Lenny, Belle, Frankie, April and Kylie, Brielle, they all piled into the room and took turns holding Giovanni. But all i could think about was if Abelie was okay. They didn't know about her, because i didnt tell them.

But i'd have to now because they brought her into my room in a incubator and then left after whispering in my ear what to do.

I stared at my baby girl through her little confinement as the room went silent.

"This is Abelie. She's Giovanni's Twin. She has a heart and lung defect. She just came out of surgery, and has a 32% chance of living." I told everyone.

They all said they were sorry and i told them its not their fault.

Its my fault.

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