Author's Note

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Hi everyone!

First off, thanks for clicking on this. 

Secondly, this is my warning--this book deals with rape. No, it's not included as a graphic scene, and no, I'm not going to write any detailed sex scenes--this is a story about being brave enough to get back up after someone knocks you down, not smut. 

Also, I'm not going to make my characters suicidal or want to self-harm. Alex is stronger than that, and the whole point of this (besides werewolfy-awesomeness) is to show that not everything has to be about teenagers cutting. That's NOT me making fun of the topic or anyone who does, or even the stories that have that--I just think there's kinda a lot of stories like that on here, and I don't want to write just another one of those. 

That doesn't mean that Alex won't have trouble with her emotions--she was raped, and that isn't something that just goes away, but it also doesn't have to mean that she goes straight to hurting herself. 

Anyways, that's all--hope you guys like this, and comment, vote, follow, PM me, etc. 


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