Chapter XIII

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IT TOOK A minute for that to sink in.

"You were Turned?" Jack asked, looking like his leader had just announced he was part fish. I held back a giggle, knowing I had no right to judge--I felt just as surprised as Jack looked.


"Why didn't I know? And why'd you decide to tell us now?" Jack said, still in a stupor.

"My boy, it's never been a secret. I make it my policy to be completely open and honest about myself and my opinions. You just never asked."

"I... Um..." Jack mumbled, sitting down with a defeated slump as he shook his head, trying to re-orient his world around this idea.

"Well, it's definitely nice to meet another Turned werewolf, sir--er, I mean, Howard--but I still need to let you know something."

I took in a deep breath, getting ready to tell the truth.

It was a luxury I hadn't been aware of until fear stole it from me.

"A little over three years ago, I was Turned. The man who attacked me left me in an alley for dead."

I wasn't sure if Howard could feel the tension radiating off of Jack and I, but I pushed forwards, ignoring the steady whitening of Jack's knuckles besides me.

"Now he's back. I'm not sure how, but he tracked me down--in fact, he's been living in my apartment building for months, and I didn't even know about it until today."

Howard remained seated, his face completely calm. "I'm sorry to hear that. But why did you come to me?"

"What do you mean?"

"You aren't the only one who became independent after you were Turned, dear. I can see it in the way you stand, in the words you choose. You take care of yourself. Being here must be a serious blow to your pride, your beliefs. You wouldn't have come unless you needed something badly. So what is it?"

I pretended I didn't notice the quick look Jack shot me, staring straight ahead into Howard's eyes.

"I'd like to ask for sanctuary. Just for a few days, until I can get everything pulled together and leave."

"You have it."

"Really?" I asked, startled by the ease of this transaction. I was half expecting him to make me complete some death-defying task to prove my worth or trust or some other shit like that.

"Yes. What kind of Alpha would I be if I turned my own kind away at the door when they need help?"

"Oh. Well, thanks, but... I mean, don't you ever get worried a Were will take advantage of that?"

"Oh, I don't mean all Weres, dear. I mean us Turned. We've got to help each other out when we can."

"Um," I said intelligently, blinking, "Well, yeah, I guess. Thank you, Howard. You won't regret this."

"Don't say that. We never know the future--I doubt I'll regret this, but you should never make a promise like that."

There was a pause as I considered his words, but before I could respond, there was a buzzing on his desk, and a machine light up with blue light.

"Well, that's the next person. I'll see you around, Alex. Jack, I look forward to your meal tonight," Howard said, standing and smiling. Jack bowed, and I stood to exit, inclining my head with respect and gratitude. We left the study, letting the silence suffocate the upcoming conversation.

My audience with the Alpha was over. 


Hey, everyone! This chappie is dedicated to poptart102 for her pure epicness, and the fact that she likes this story. I'm sorry about waiting for so long to update--I've actually had this chapter written for a while, but I've just gotten crazy busy these past few months and haven't had much time for this story. I still love these characters, and I know basically what I want to have happen, but I'm still trying to figure out some of the logistics here, so it might take me a while to get the next non-pre-written chapter out. 

BTW, it's 1:45 AM in my time as I'm writing this. I have to be up in four hours to go to a pre-school AP seminar, followed by normal classes, homework, and writing.... This is definitely gonna suck. I can't get to sleep, though--my head won't shut up its random babbles of weird words long enough to let me get some rest. 

So yeah. That's me.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter--I'm gonna post a second in a minute, to (hopefully) make up for the long silence.

Peace out, my fellow Wattpadians.


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