Chapter I

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"UM, EXCUSE ME?" I asked, looked at the guy like he was insane (which he clearly was).

"Mine," he growled, his eyes flashing darkly.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I really don't think this is yours," I said, holding up the bra with a raised eyebrow. The industrial lights in the supermarket flickered high above us while people around us gave us weird looks, but I ignored them.

His face flushed, but he stepped closer. I focused on breathing.

In, out. In, out. I'm not in The Alley. I haven't been in three years.

"Is this a game to you? I can smell it on you; you're one of us. And you're mine."

"Great," I said, rolling my eyes. "Another one. Look, wolf-boy, I'm not interested in joining a pack, I don't need 24/7 protection, and I'm definitely not yours."

He looked stunned and hurt, and I was holding back laughter.

Bitch, Lilia, my wolf, muttered.

Nope, that's you, remember? And besides, what's the big deal? You haven't complained about me turning down a deal since the first few. I thought you'd given up.

HE'S OUR MATE, she snarled.

Since when are you British? And I've never met this dude, so we aren't friends.

No, he's our soul mate, idiot. All wolves have them. You'd know that if you had listened to any of the information I've tried to give you over the years.

I was too busy processing this new information to respond to her jab. Soul-mates? That was just... stupid. And terrifying. What, this teenage guy was supposed to be my whole world all of a sudden?

No way was I letting anyone control me. I stopped laying down for anything three years ago, and some teenage boy with bangs wasn't about to stop me.

"Fine, take your stupid bra," I said unnecessarily loudly, tossing it to him. He caught it, then dropped it, looking disgusted. I made it to the parking lot before I doubled over laughing.

He came jogging out after me, looking disgruntled. I stood up, still snickering, and watched him approach me warily.

"What's your name?"

"What's yours?" I countered.

"Jack. I'm with the Thorn Valley Pack. Your turn."

"Bond, James Bond. No pack, because I'm awesome. Are we done with the get-to-know-you crap?"

"Seriously. After that stunt, you owe me."

I studied him for a moment, thinking. I suppose I could've done worse, as far as soul-mates are concerned. He was kinda cute, at least--he had messy brown hair, tanned skin (most werewolves do--we naturally have more energy, so we're usually outside more often than humans), and big, chocolate-brown eyes. Plus, he smelled nice--like pine and cinnamon.

Eh, why not?

"I'm Alex. No pack was true, though."

"How come?"

"Nope, all you won was name and pack. I probably won't ever see you again, so have a good life!" I said, waving sarcastically as I got in my car and put the engine in reverse.

I didn't remember until I was halfway home that I really was supposed to pick up some more underwear. Shitty mate, distracting me... oh well. I don't get paid till Tuesday anyways, I'll go after that.

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