Chapter II

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I DON'T KNOW why I never told my parents. It's not that I didn't trust them or thought they'd hate me or anything; in fact, we had a great family--loving and fun, always open with each other. I think a lot of it was just that for a while, I couldn't bear to accept the fact it had happened. I mean, you always see those stories in the news, but no one would ever expect it to happen. I guess I was just really unlucky or something.

But my point here is this: at first, I didn't tell because I didn't want to admit it to myself. Then because I was hearing voices and was afraid they'd lock me away for being crazy. Then because I was a fucking werewolf (how do you even casually deal with that?). After a while, just because it felt wrong. I'd kept it secret for so long, it felt like telling now would do more harm than good. Yes, I lied and fought with my parents and dropped off the social radar afterwards, but if I hadn't?

If I hadn't, I would've gotten The Looks. The sympathetic ones, the ones who were afraid to go near me, the ones who wanted to be my friend, but only because something fucked up had happened. While it probably wasn't great to lock myself away and keep secrets, this way, I didn't break down. Didn't let it beat me.

I made good grades, got a scholarship, and got the hell out as fast as the plane could take me.

I couldn't stand the look on their faces when I left, like, 'At last, we can get rid of the person who single-handedly destroyed our family.' . So I left, and I never so much as looked back.

I know I deserved it. And that's not any self-hating bullshit, either--they tried everything and anything, for months, to get me to open up about that night. I slammed the door in their faces, because telling them I'd been raped would have led to doctor visits, which would have lead to them discovering my anatomy had completely altered, which would lead to, "Surprise! I'm a werewolf!".

Somehow, I didn't think that'd have gone over so well. There was about equal chances of them being terrified of me and disowning me or being terrified of me and handing me for over for government experimentation. I didn't want either of those to happen. I didn't want my family to fall apart. So instead, I slammed the bedroom door shut and didn't really come out for the next two and a half years (metaphorically speaking, anyways).

The thought of having that again--a family, a belonging, as Lilia had put it--was terrifying. Not because I was afraid of feeling, but because I was afraid of losing it. And I would, sooner or later. It wouldn't last, ergo it was better to stay free. No strings.

And a soulmate? That was more than a string. It was a freakin' anvil on my chest.


OVER THE NEXT few weeks, my ball and chain followed me around, getting increasingly frustrated with my nonchalant attitude about the whole thing.

He didn't know that I went home and dropped my indifferent facade, doubling over, a human flood of emotions.

As much as I hated him for making me feel everything and anything, I found myself looking forward to our little chats, despite my better judgement.

"Seriously, I don't get it."

"What don't you get? It's a muffin. You eat it. Pretty simple."

"Not the muffin. I don't get you."

"What's not to get?" I said dryly. "Was born. Grew up. Got a job."

"Why do you hate the idea of having a mate?"

"How do you know I don't just hate you in particular?" I asked, and Lilia growled lowly at me.

Fine. I'll play nice.

"Seriously, why?"

"You know, if you were a proper suitor, you'd have asked me out on a date first. Who knows? Maybe we won't get along. How sucky would it be if we got stuck together for eternity and hated each other?"

"Fine, then. Will you go out on a date so we can see if soulmates get along?" he said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. I opened my mouth to say no, but Lilia took over before I could.


He did a double-take. "Yes?"

I growled at her, pissed. "No. My wolf took over for a moment."

"Ha! So your wolf wants you to?"

I rolled my eyes, suddenly liking this conversation less and less.

"Yeah, she's a bitch. Pun intended."

"Wait, you fight with your wolf? You guys are supposed to be, like, best friends. All of us get along with our wolves really well. I mean, except for wolves who have been turned, not born, but those are really--"

He stopped mid-sentence, his eyes widening as he put the pieces together, looking at me, stunned. "Oh."

I wanted so badly to look away, to flush red and mumble something stupid. But I wasn't about to let my soon-to-disappear mate break me. After everything I'd been through, this would not be hurt me. I refused to let it.

"Are you going to stop holding the line up or what?" I asked. We'd been talking softly up until now, but I spoke at full volume now. He just stood there, looking at me with that terrible combination of pity and curiosity, while I raised an eyebrow. A moment later, a middle-aged man pushed past him, and it seemed to break his trance. He wandered back to his seat slowly, and I just kept going, making more orders, carrying on with my day as if he hadn't just figured out one of my deepest secrets. Even when the near-by packs came investigating me and watched me, trying to learn as much as they could, I hadn't let anyone know I was turned.

It happened, but it was rare. And those wolves were usually killed or driven to run for the rest of their lives by a combination of their own paranoia and their pack's.

I wondered if Jack would tell his pack, if they'd come after me. If he'd help them kill me.

Lilia whimpered, but she didn't say it wouldn't happen.


I MADE IT into the apartment before the tears started. It was only one or two, but I brushed them away, furious at myself. Why should I care what Jack thought about us? It didn't matter. I'd keep going in school, get my mechanical engineering degree, and move again--maybe to some other part of the country, like Texas. Texas was pretty far away from South Dakota. Or did I need to go further? Maybe Hawaii had some job openings. I'd be fine. I'd survive this, just like always.

And yet... It'd been a week. A week since the cafe, since the last time I saw Jack. I fought myself and Lilia on it, but every second of every day that wasn't spent at work or in class was spent thinking of Jack. And even then, most of the other times, I was berating myself for thinking about him.

I wasn't sure if I was upset because I had started going to sleep with a knife under my pillow, just in case, or if it was because despite all my efforts, I had started to care about him and what he thought of me.

Either way, it felt like the world was crashing down on me. I sat there, my back against the wall, for at least an hour, just thinking. Or, at least, I did, until someone knocked on my door. I jumped about a foot in the air, running lightly for the bathroom. I double-checked to make sure it didn't look like I had cried (I'd at least always been gifted with the ability to hide that much).

I walked over to the door, going on my tiptoes to see out of the peep-hole. I snorted, scowling, as I cracked open the door, checking to make sure he was alone.

"What the hell are you doing here, Jack?"

Look! I updated!!!! ^^^^^

Okay, so this chapter gives you a little bit more of an insight to how Alex thinks and feels... Thoughts? O.o

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