Chapter III

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IT WAS THE tears that killed me. I knew she had been crying as soon as I opened the door--maybe normal humans or even werewolves wouldn't have noticed, but we were mates. We were literally made for each other; including when the other is hurting.

"How'd you find this place, anyways?" Alex asked, not opening the door wide enough for me to come in.

"I... um. I followed you," I admitted, fighting the urge to demand answers here and now. Her eyes narrowed, and found myself admiring her for the thousandth time.

"From where? You weren't at the cafe today."

A guilty pleasure rippled through me as I realized she had noticed my absence. "No, I mean... A while ago. I followed you, just in case anything ever happened and I needed to know."

She snorted, muttering, "Stalker."

"Can I come in? We need to talk."

"No. Good night," she said, turning to close the door. I grabbed it before she could shut it, opening it wider and stepping in. She turned, growling lowly at me, but I was too distracted by what was around me.

It was... everything and nothing. Little bits and pieces of everything, like puzzle pieces scattered, put together in the wrong order. An organized chaos. My awe only increased as I realized she probably had a hidden life story in this apartment.

I started focusing on little things, like the fact that she seemed to have covered every wall in shelves, all full of books. I saw everything from journals to jujitsu manuals, fantasy novels to coffee-stained textbooks, and drawings scattered throughout. Engineering and advanced math sheets were spread across her coffee table (which was in between her couch and TV hanging on the wall), along with a shut laptop. She had a small kitchen space with an open counter separating it from the rest of the apartment, and my fingers were practically twitching with the urge to make something. I saw doors straight ahead, leading to what I assumed must be her bathroom and bedroom.

I had to force my imagination away from what she wore to sleep.

"Get. Out."

Her voice was quiet but deadly, and for a moment, I wanted nothing more than to run. I never wanted to know what kind of damage she could do if she felt like it.

"No. We need to talk," I said.

"No, we don't. No one's come for me yet, so I'm assuming you haven't told your pack I was turned. As long as you keep it that way, we have nothing to discuss."

"Wait, why would I not tell my pack?"

"You didn't, did you?"

"No, but why?" I asked, curiosity itching beneath my skin. I'd spent the past week learning anything and everything about wolves that were turned, and I wanted to know what she knew.

"Um, because I don't want to be killed in my sleep? Any other stupid questions?"

"Why would they kill you?"

She rolled her eyes at me, and my wolf snarled. I waited for him to say something about her, but instead he started going off on me.

Don't pretend you're stupid! What if she's insulted and leaves us?

Wow, thanks. I try to get some real answers, and this is how you react?

"Do you live under a rock or something? When your people meet people like me, bad things happen. Like angry mobs killing turned wolves. Or driving them insane. Or making them run away. And since I'm in college right now, I don't want any of those things to happen. I'd lose so much money..."

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