Chapter 2

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After awhile of sitting alone in the hospital bed, Yuichiro started to get bored. So bored he'd hang out with Kimizuki if he had to. He tapped his fingers boredly, 'I want to get back on the battle field!' He finally looked up and saw a short girl in the door way with purple hair. "Hello Yuu-San!" Shinoa walked fully inside with her purple eyes gleaming. "You look.. Happy.." Yuu commented. "Of course! You'll be out tomorrow!" Her smile brightened at the look on Yuichiro's face. "R-R-Really?!?" "Yes you can thank the best leader ever~~" Shinoa announced. "Ah thank you!" He stood up and hugged her. A light blush appeared on the girls face as she hugged back, 'Was Guren right? Am I in love with him?' The black haired boy began to pull away from Shinoa. "Heh.." She giggled and looked at her, thinking that was quite adorable but most people thought that so he brushed it off as if it was no big deal.
"I'll be back, Yuichiro.. I'll be back tomorrow so you can get back to the team." Shinoa waved and received a wave back before walking out.

Yuichiro sighed and stared at the floor. "All alone.. Again.." He whispered to himself before pulling his knees to his chest weakly. "It makes me feel so weak." He mumbled once again to himself as he lays the side of his head on his shaking knees. Maybe tomorrow would be a better day, he sure hoped so and so did Shinoa.

Sorry for the short chapter everyone!!

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