Chapter 10

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Shinoa's tears began to dry up as She gripped the counter. Even if there was a god, why would he help them? They've messed with the devil. They've messed with nature. It was about time for the humans to disappear because we can't leave stuff alone. "It's sad.. That we were born in this world isn't it?" Yuu was standing in the door way. He had seen the girl crying and heard her words. The words had hit him in the heart and it stung. 'How could she feel this way?' He wondered, 'and stay so strong and brave on the outside..' "Oh.." Shinoa looked over, "It is." "Then let's change it. Let's make this a world we're glad to be born in!" The boy shouted as he felt his heart repair at what he saw. The girl was smiling ever so brightly, "I love you, Yuu." She admitted as she hugged him. "I love you too, Shinoa."
|~~~ The next day ~~~|
Today was the mission for the squad. More vampires to kill like always. It was getting quite troublesome to Shinoa as she just wanted to spend time with Yuu. "Let's do this!" Yuu whispered shouted once they got there. "Shut up." Kimizuki was the first to answer. "Yeah." Mitsuba nodded in agreement as they jumped out of the car. Shinoa giggled and looked around, "We don't need our pills yet.." She whispered to herself a little nervous about commanding them. 'Vampires..' The same thing was running through everyone's mind before they heard the quick feet. "Pills now." She ordered and they all followed that order. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8....9..... Her eyes opened before 10 seconds and she saw vampires a lot of them. 10. The pills had set in and everyone was taking action. The battle had begun and the battle cries rang out in the field. Everything seemed easy and calm but more nobels ending up coming. "We need to retreat!" Shinoa announced but she sniffed the air. People were too afraid only because vampires had surrounded them. 'Dammit. Today is just not my day.' The girl thought as she jumped backwards bumping into Yuu. The two fell in the center of the hoard of vampires. The others in the troop also jumped back ending up tumbling on to them too. "Ah!" Shouts of pain flew up in the air as limbs were stepped on, some crushed, and spirits died. "I guess we will have a nice treat." A vampires voice rosed from the crowd. You couldn't tell who had said it because every vampire had their mouths gaping and taking in the scent of the blood that came out from someone's broken limb or from scrapes from hitting the ground. "A way out.." Shinoa mumbled to herself as she looked around. 'This is the end.' She thought as her heart began to slow down. "You're all dead." The vampires all said as they began to come closer, closer, closer, closer, and closer.

~ I guess this is love ~ (Yuunoa)Where stories live. Discover now