Chapter 4

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It got silent again after Yuu talked. They all seemed to fear the worse even more. Vampires taking over. They all knew this was truly the end of the world they just never really wanted to think about it in such depth as this. "Anyways!" Shinoa tried to think of something to say. "Maybe you just shouldn't have brought up that topic or any of this at all." Kimizuki grumbled as he began to eat. Everyone ate in silence now after those few words are been spoken. Afraid of what they say might turn out to backfire like before.

Kimizuki gathered the empty plates and placed them in the sink. "Are you feeling better, Yuu?" Shinoa asked, trying to break the silence for everyone. "Of course. We should get back on the battlefield." Yuu replied. "I wish we never had to be on the battlefield in the first place." Mitsuba suddenly said, "I wish we'd get a normal life like the past people did." Everyone nodded, they had to admit they would have liked that too. "It's like when the first people came here and the secret to all life, survival of the fittest. You must be strong to survive." Kimizuki added as he walked in. "That's a good point, Kimizuki." Shinoa admitted and bit her lip. "So we all must be very strong." Yoichi said with a grin. "Yeah we are. Especially when we're together because we're family." Everyone smiled even Kimizuki gave a light smile.
They began to talk a lot more about other happy things and it soon began to get dark out. "I'm going to bed." Shinoa let out a yawn as she said this and walked away. "Same here." Mitsuba nodded and followed. Kimizuki glanced at Yoichi and Yuu but both were already passed out. He let out a sigh, 'All of them are stupid.' He walked away and fell asleep.
~ the next day ~

Yuu woke up with a start but he wasn't the first one up like usual. "Good morning, sleepy head." Shinoa greeted him with a grin. Yuu grumbled something that no one could make out. "Speak up please!~" She teased with a small snicker. "Shut up you." He let out a small laugh. "That's no way to treat a lady. I'm quite offended now." Shinoa put her hand on her chest with an astonished look on her face. "Wow wow." Yuu said as he looked at her, she was actually washing the dishes.
He wrapped his arms around her as she worked, "My sweetie." Shinoa hit him with a pan, "That's no way to apologize."... "Uh Shinoa.." Shinoa snapped out of her thoughts, she must have spaced after he had look at her. 'I got lost in his eyes, so badly that I thought he wrapped his arms around me and called me his sweetie.' She bit her lip, "Yes, Yuu?" She asked.
"You looked confused and angry after all that. I thought you were just kidding-" "I was kidding. I am a good actress." Shinoa lied perfectly with a grin on her face. "Of course." Yu replied as he rolled his eyes. 'Guren was right.. I am in love with him. Head over heels for him. Whatever you want to call it.' Shinoa thought, 'but I know he will never like me that way. There's many other better girls for him..' She let out a sigh as she thought.

~ I guess this is love ~ (Yuunoa)Where stories live. Discover now