Chapter 3

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Shinoa skipped into the hospital room Yuu was assigned to. She came in to see a sleeping Yuu. 'How adorable!' She thought as she walked closer to the bed, 'I don't think I should wake him up. This is too adorable.' Shinoa leaned over him now before shouting playfully, "It's time to wake up, pervert!~~~" Yuichiro's eyes quickly flashed open from the loud noise though he couldn't really make out much of what she said at first. "Can't I sleep-" He looked up at Shinoa, "Oh.. I get out today right?!" He already sounded excited. Watching Shinoa nod, he suddenly jumped out of the bed. "Do we have any missions?!" "Nope. You're still not in a good enough shape to do missions yet anyways." Shinoa commented with a smirk, "Maybe you shouldn't have gotten so distracted by those girls-" "I wasn't distracted by girls!" He interrupted angrily. "Uh-huh. All guys say that~" she quietly giggled, 'It's easy to piss him off.' Yuichiro glared at her and she moved her hand, "Anyways, I'll leave so you can get dressed and what not." She walked to the door. "Hey, Shinoa?" Yuichiro called out. "Yes, Yuu?" "D-Did you get hurt or did anyone else get hurt?" "No.. Yuu.. Don't worry so much." Shinoa walked down the hall and sat down in the waiting room.

Yuichiro got dressed and walked out of the room, "I'm ready.." "Took you long enough. Are you turning into a pretty little princess now? Taking hours to get ready?" Shinoa teased. Yuu just grumbled and walked past her. "Heh! Wait for me." Shinoa walked out right next to Yuu's side. "We're all happy.. You recovered.." Shinoa looked up at Yuu. "Of course, Shortie." Shinoa's eye twitched but she tried to not let it get to her. 'I know that's what he wants..' "Where are the others anyway?" Yuu questioned as he looked around outside. "Hmm.." She bit her lip, "Where they're usual at." Yuu nodded and walked to that place. "Yuu's back!" Mitsuba suddenly shouted already seeing him. "Ah, hey." He greeted as he walked in. "Yuu-Kun!" Yoichi looked at him with a smile. "Oi, idiot." Kimizuki sighed while cooking. "Yep. It may have took us awhile because Yuu was looking through some girls windows." "I was not!" Yuu hissed before sitting down in a chair. Shinoa and Mitsuba snickered quietly to themselves. "Better than him looking into boys windows." Kimizuki commented while serving the food. "Like you would be?" Shinoa retorted with a chuckle. Kimizuki glared and grabbed her plate of food, "No food for you.." "Aha. I don't need your food." Shinoa giggled before grabbing the plate back, "All joking aside.. Let's get serious.." Everyone looked at her, was she planning a meeting? "What do we have to be serious about?" Mitsuba was the first one to pipe in a question. "Everything. In this cruel world, joking will only make everything more confusing." Shinoa answered and everyone seemed to nod quietly.

They all knew Shinoa had a point. This world was too crazy to joke around for too long in if you did so it could result in your death. "But let's not worry, okay?" Shinoa finally said, breaking the silence. "Yeah! We'll kill all those blood suckers!" Yuu added in. Everyone knew they were all trying to be positive but they couldn't help but fear the worse that could possible happen.

Phew, I hope this makes up for that last short chapter that was only like 200 words long. Heh. Well thanks everyone!

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