Chapter 12

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Shinoa finally had been let go from the hospital after kidney surgery. She only had one left now some stuff happened on the battlefield no one seemed to remember. It was very odd no one caught the part but it didn't matter as it was great for Shinoa now. "Thank you, Yuu." She said once she was outside. "For?" "Staying with me." She said as she walked. "Please never forget me." She obviously knew something he didn't. "What do you mean?" He looked at her and she just chuckled. "You never know when you'll loose someone in this world so if I do go before you please don't forget me." "How could I even ever?" Yuu asked and she shrugged. "The world is a funny place, Yuu be careful, Yuu." She began to walk away at an alarming fast rate. "Shinoa! Where ya going?" "To the hiragi's." The purple haired girl stated and he simply nodded.
~~~~~~ A few weeks later ~~~~
Yuu stared down at the thing infront of him. It phased everyone alive now except Vampires and a few people who had no hearts. Even Kimizuki had cried over this which was very surprising but of course he would have never sent this to anyone not even Yuu but it had still happened to him. What was this mysterious thing? I swear anyone could have seen it coming which was sad for this to happen at this time and to these people but the object infront of him was a headstone that read, 'RI.P Shinoa Hiragi (her last name was crossed out) and under it said, 'Ex-Hiragi' ' No one was sure if the Hiragi's did it or it had to do with the vampire attack.
|~~~~~ Flash Back ~~~~~|
"Ichinose Guren!" A deep voice rang around the place and everyone seemed to look over frightened. "we have news!" The voice announced as he ran over to Guren with fast great spaced steps as if he was gliding. "what is it? I'm tired." "I decided to present it to you." The dude moved his hand and the boy behind him stepped forward with a huge bag in his hands. "Brought supplies? Set them-" "listen, Guren." The second man had stated as he carefully unzipped the bag and all you could hear was heart beats from all the Military soldiers nearby. It was the body of Shinoa, Shinoa Hiragi and the bad part was Yuu happened to be standing right next to Guren at this moment so he saw it right when he looked over. Yuu's face turned twisted with emotional pain, sorrow, sadness, and regret. "Who could have?!" Guren sighed and pressed his finger to his lips towards Yuu not even wanting to waste real words on the boy anymore. "I see.. So she.." "We don't know if she got killed or it was just what happened in that attack. Remember no one exactly caught what happened. It's like time stopped." The man said before leaving the bag there, "Pay your respects and get to work once more." The first voice ordered in a harsh manner before hurrying away with the second man. "How could?!" Guren let out a sigh, "We don't know if it was anyone exactly. We never will."
Yuu had then sat next to the bag the rest of the day and all night waiting for it all to be a joke. For Shinoa to jump out and say, "I'm here Yuu!~ have you been looking in girls windows while I was gone?" But of course none of this happened for poor Yuu. It had all happened so quickly and too quickly. Tears poured down his face as he felt himself screeching into the night. Alarming anyone around but he didn't care anymore, she was dead. He'd never get to feel her soft skin, her silky hair, never get to hear her silly laugh, her sassy remarks, and never see that smile broad on her face no matter what happened even if she was making fun of another person. Why did it happen to her? To them. If this was a sign, it was a stupid sign to Yuu. It had no meaning except revenge, Yuu wanted revenge now.
|~~~~~ end of flash back ~~~~|
Yuu didn't know who to get his revenge on but this was all he was thinking about now. It was sad how important getting revenge was even if it cost himself his life but to this boy it didn't matter. He'd sacrifice everything he could to get her back or figure out what happened. Except, if vampires did do this that means they have a way to slow down time and humanity will be enslaved or they'll all just get killed.........

Mahiru died being a savior but what did Shinoa die as? Die for? Her sister beliefs? No one would remember anyway, Yuu was sure of that because this world was just that cruel.
Long sad ending. I don't know if I should make like a second book about Yuu's attempt to get revenge and going all crazy after Shinoa's death. Hm, is that a good idea? Do you think I should do it? Please tell me if you like that idea and would like to see it.
Anyways for now this is the ending. I tried to be sad but I failed.

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