Chapter 11

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'Someone will be lost.' Shinoa thought as she felt herself beginning to scream in anger and pain. Someone had just crushed her small fragile arm, it hurt like hell and it didn't help how angry she was so it came out. The vampires stood mid-step but hurried up their speed when they smelt the blood. "Go! Get up and go!" She yelled as she began to push Yuu the only who was closest to her away with her only good arm. "Please for me." She pleaded with a sharp sound of pain, regret, and sadness in her voice. "I-I" He began but then a vampire sank their teeth into the girls flesh on her neck. She whimpered and wailed at the pain and closed her eyes. The vampires hand stilled her as she had began squirming. The black haired boy's eyes widened as he felt himself picked up by Kimizuki. "We can't save her.." Kimizuki simply whispered as he began to walk away. Shinoa and Yuu screamed at the same time. Yuu not wanting to leave Shinoa and rather die and Shinoa felt the pain fill her body but didn't realize Yuu was getting back safely.

Shinoa's eyes snapped open as she looked around. The walls were white but it was hard to tell as the room was dark. She looked out one of the windows she had spotted in the tiny room. It was a dark night but the moon shone like the sun tonight, it only went a little into her window though. "Hard to see.." She mumbled before putting a hand on her own neck. 'No bite marks. Weird.' The girl thought before realizing it must have been a dream. Her eyes went towards the foot of her bed and she saw Yuu there asleep adorably. "Haha." She giggled and woke up Yuu, "You're awake!" He exclaimed excitedly. He had been oh so worried before, he thought she would have died. "Yeah so what happened..?" The girl tilted her head as she asked. "You don't remember?! Of course not! Well-" Yuu began but got caught off by the blonde who walked into the room. "Well you see, you passed out during the battle." Mitsuba said as she walked close to the bed. "Not really great for a leader, right? Something must have shocked you or did you just not get enough sleep? We could have all gotten killed saving you!" Mitsuba spat but she couldn't stop, she knew Shinoa made a dumb move without knowing it and had to remind the girl. "Thank you for telling me what I did wrong but I think you'd love if I had died so Yuu could have been 'yours' am I right?" Shinoa smirked a little bit as she got a bright pink blush on the other girls cheeks. "N-No!" Mitsuba stuttered and turned her back to the girl in the hospital bed. "I was worried about you." She admitted and Shinoa looked surprised. "So you weren't gla-" "you're family right?" Mitsuba suddenly asked, "That's why I was worried." A smile crept on to Yuu's, Shinoa's, and Mitsuba's as they remember the day everyone say around and talked about how they were family and should defend each other. That day was nice and even Kimizuki agreed to it, so of course Mitsuba was going to stay with it too. "Never be so stupid again." Kimizuki was standing in the door way now. "We can't loose our leader!" Yoichi popped in from his shelter behind the tall pink haired male. "I'll try not to. Thank you." Shinoa said before she thought.
"Isn't it weird to see someone other than Yuu in a hospital bed?" The room went up in laughter even Kimizuki let out a few low chuckles. "H-Hey!" Yuu look embarrassed before receiving a peck on the cheeks from Shinoa. "You really seem more like an uke than me." She said with a small smirk. Yuu's face began to burn up, "Shh. We don't talk about that in front of others.." Everyone laughed once more but who knew how injured Shinoa really was...

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