Chapter 9

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Shinoa began to stand up but Yuu pulled her back down. "Isn't it nice?" He asked and she looked at home a little confused. "Just laying down peacefully here..?" He clarified and she nodded happily. "It really is. No worries. No vampires. No other girls.." Shinoa had muttered the last reason but Yuu still heard it. He realize she was still mad about earlier.. About something he couldn't really control. "And no other men. I saw you blushing at Kimizuki~~" She teased with a big grin of her face before laying on him, placing her head on his chest. "Heyyyyyy." They both laughed and snuggled together. It was finally peaceful, they both had gotten such a happy ending so far but could this really be the end? Yuu knew it couldn't, they always needed to get up and save the rest of the world from vampires. If only there was a world where there were no vampires. Maybe somewhere outside of Japan? Yuu's thought kept going and going until he heard small cute snores coming from the girl against him. He smiled and with that he quickly fell asleep too.
~~~~~~ Shinoa's P.O.V ~~~~~~
I woke up in the morning and sighed, he had such a tight grip on my already. "Yuu.." I mumbled and shook his arm half asleep. He still didn't wake up, it was quite annoying actually. "Yuuuuu~~~" I soothingly said. He's really testing my patience isn't he? I let out a long dry sigh and slapped him. Of course, he didn't wake up but his arms flew off and I giggled, it was humorous and adorable at the same time but I couldn't worry about that. I had to worry about the next vampire mission. I walked to the bathroom calmly and looked around. No Mitsuba, No Yoichi, No Kimizuki, and luckily no Yuu.. Opening the door to the trashy bathroom I went inside and shut the door before locking it quickly. "This.. Will be.." I couldn't think about the mission if one of us were to die I already knew who it would be. "Me or Mitsuba. We're both useless children on the battlefield." I whispered to myself and looked down at the sink disappointedly. I couldn't even face myself now, no one else has really seen this side of me either, and I could never show it to Yuu. "Please.." I began to cry. "If there really is a god here. Come back to this world and help us!" I whispered yelled and only hoped no one woke up or somehow heard.
I hope this makes up me not updating and only having short chapters! I really tried to make it a little interesting but I dunno. I might drop this book.. Not totally sure yet but thanks guys for everything!

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