Chapter 6

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"Don't take it to heart, Yuu." Shinoa walked close to him with a giggle, "It's just a jo-" Yuu pressed his lips to hers as if saying 'Shut up'. Shinoa closed and opened her eyes a few times to see if it was a dream or if this was reality. It was reality but she was too surprised to do anything. A disappointed Yuu pulled off, he had expected to her at least gently press her small lips back onto his but he hadn't gotten that. "Wh...-" Shinoa could barely think at the moment. "I think you killed her. Are you that bad at kissing?" Kimizuki had been watching this whole time with a smug smirk on his face. "You're just jealous I didn't kiss you." Yuu hissed back. "Nope, you wish I was the one you kissed though." Shinoa finally got a word out,
"Y-Yuu?" She asked, not believing it was really the boy. "Yes, Shinoa?" He looked at her and saw the tint of pink on her cheeks. 'Good. I won still.' Yuu thought and grabbed her hand, "Wasn't that a nice surprise?" He asked and she just nodded. Thump, thump. Anyone could tell how flustered and confused the girl was even Yuu could...
Here ya go for everyone who wanted me to update this! Sorry it took so long!

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