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"A bond between souls is ancient- older than the plant" --Dianna Hardy

"Jennifer, who is that," I turned to her. She had her arms folded across her chest. She wasn't going to let me do this. This was going to be hard. "Why should I stay away," I asked. "Because, Micah is one of those guys who doesn't stay still for long. And if he does, he's with some girls and talking to some other girl," she explained. "So, he ain't shit is what you're saying?" "That's exactly what I'm saying. I don't want you to be put in that situation. Stay away, Maddi," she warned.

I let the idea go. She's right. I shouldn't have someone in my life since what happened with the last guy i was with. Honestly, I don't think I'm ready for anything serious. And plus, he doesn't even seem like the type to be in a serious relationship. I just wish I didn't want him.

As the day went on, Jen and I went to the dog park. Even though, neither of us actually have one, we still go there to play with everyone else's. When we arrived back at her dorm. I heard a deep laugh. My body stiffened as we walked past Micah's. The door was open and he was video chatting with someone. Jen looked back at me at smirked. "Micah, put your dick up," she yelled. We both laughed and he walked to the entrance of her room door. "My dick is not out ma'am," he said with a smile and looked at me. I stopped laughing and my body became numb. Something inside me started to hum.

The way he looked at me was intense. My heart began to beat faster and I shifted uneasily in my seat. "Who is this, Jennifer," he asked with a smirk. "This is Maddi, the one I've been telling you about." Wait. Hold the fuck up....huh....I sat there with anxiety creeping up my spine. "Oh, her," his smirk grew. "She's staying with me until school starts back," she says in a taunting tone. "Oh really now," his smirk grew more mischievous as his eyes trailed down my body. "I'm Micah by the way. It was nice meeting you....well something like that." He walked back to his room and closed the door.

My head snapped to my best friend. "What did you say," I said in a panicked tone. She started to laugh. "Jen, this is not funny. What did you tell him," I wined. She laughed even harder. I cannot deal with her sometimes. I threw her body size pillow at her and rushed in the bathroom for my shower. 

Coming UndoneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora