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"Someone help me. Please!!!!" My body was cold from the midnight wind and the cold stone table I was tied to. The moon illuminated the midnight sky; along with the cave I resided in. Where am I? What am I doing here? My body was covered in blood and cuts. What happened to me? Where am I? "Stop thinking," something growled. "All you do is think and feel. Happiness, sadness, excitement, fear, depression, lo-, love, all at the same fucking time. So many things at one time," it screamed. I begin to cower. "Ahhhh!!!," it screamed again. "Stop that," it commanded. "What do you want me to do," I asked. The owner of the voice walked from the shadows. Micah..but he's covered in blood. "Micah, what's going on," I panicked. He continued to walk towards me. "Micah, what are you doing," I repeated. As he approached the table, he pulled out a knife and lifted it above his head. "No one will have that much power over me," he said in a low voice. My eyes began to water. He forcefully brings the knife down and stabs me in the stomach."

I jump awake in a panic. I'm drenched in sweat. My heart is racing and my stomach is churning. I look directly at the spot where Micah stabbed me in my dream. There was a tear in the shirt and it was wet. My eyes widened and I rushed to the bathroom. I turned on the light with the worst feeling in my stomach. As I raised my shirt, my hands began to shake. I'm terrorfied. My body began to shake and there was a sudden knock on the door. "Maddi, you okay?" I heard Jen's voice. I broke down to my knees. I couldn't stop crying. To keep the sound at bay, I bit my bottom lip. Jen banged on the door. "Maddi, don't do this, please. Open up," she pleaded. I couldn't open the door. I turned, cut on the shower, and managed an "I'm fine." The other side of the door feel quiet.

As I took off the sweaty t-shirt,I inspected my body. I'm okay. No cuts, no bruises, no blood. But then came a sharp pain. I clenched my stomach and cried in agony. It felt as though someone had a pitchfork and repeatedly nailed me in the stomach. "Maddi, calm down and let me in." The voice belonged to Micah this time. The pain intensified. I screamed louder, The pain was too much. I could feel my insides twisting and turning. "Maddi, open the door," he said. I couldn't movere. My body wouldn't uncurl from the fetal position.

The pain became unbearable. "SOMEBODY, PLEASE HELP ME," I screamed and begged for relief. The door flew open and Micah rushed to me. He picked me up and held me. "You'll be okay. Just breathe baby girl. Just breathe. I'll make it go away, I promise." He wrapped his arms around me tighter and whispered something in my ear. My eyes began to to get heavy, and the pain subsided. I soon fell into a deep sleep. 

Coming UndoneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora