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Maddi's PoV

"Maddi," someone was calling my name. "Maddi, wake up," they said. I don't like woken  up before 1pm unless I have something to do. I reluctantly opened my eyes slowly to see Jen hovering over me.

"Hey, babe you gotta get up. Micah's girlfriend is here and I don't think she'll be happy seeing you naked in her boyfriend's bed."

I sat up and looked around. Why am I in his room and why am I naked? My heart began to race as images of this morning flashed through my head. I could see him touching and sucking me. My body began to get hot. Oh no. I grabbed his grey t-shirt and hurried out of his room into Jen's.

"What the hell happen," she  questioned as she tried to keep up.

"Honestly , I think I slept with him last night," I looked at my hands.

"What do you mean slept with. Like laid beside and rested or him inside you, slept?"

I looked up and put my hands over my mouth. "Wait he has a girlfriend?"

"I told you he ain't shit," she simply said.
I couldn't believe this. Well I kind of could. I mean have you seen the guy. I picked myself up from the bed and walked to the kitchen. As I made my way down the hall, two people walked through the door. My blood began to boil. Micah had his arm around some girl. I looked her up an down. She's pretty I can give her that.

She looks at me walking down the hall as I put my hair in a messy bun. The closer I get the dirtier her stare was.
"Good morning," I said. Micah stood there with fear in his eyes.

"Hey," the girl said.

I looked at them both with a smile. "You must be Micah's girlfriend. I've heard so much about you. You're a lucky girl," I said. I walked to the cabinet to get a glass. My shirt rose a little too high and you could see my ass.   I quickly pulled it down and turned to their direction. Her back was turned to me but Micah's eyes were wide open. I grinned a little and walked to the fridge to get orange juice.

As I closed the fridge, she turned around and smile at me. " What's your name," she asks.

"Oh, I'm Maddi."

"You don't live here, do you Maddi?"

"No, I'm visiting for a couple of months. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason. Just wondering."

"What's your name? Sorry, the weed is getting to me"

"I'm Natalie," she said with a smirk.

"Oh okay. Well, it was nice meeting you. I'll see y'all later." I turned on my heels and walked back to Jen's room. When I opened the door, she was standing there with her arms folded.

"What did you do," she looked at me skeptically.

"Just got some orange juice." I looked at her plainly.

"No, you walked out there knowing damn well she was gone see you."

"She was going to see me no matter what."

"Mhm. So why in just his shirt?"

"That's the only thing I had on. And plus, she doesn't know that."

"She better know that. That is his favorite shirt. And you just so happen to have it on...with no shorts, no bra, no panties.She smiled at me with an all knowing look. 

"Maddi, don't do anything."

I smiled. I could be that messy girl, but I'm not. I'm not that type of person, no matter how hard I try.

"Oh, yes you are. And it's going to be fun," I heard someone say.

I looked at Jen. She had her headphones in singing. What the hell? I grabbed my clothes from my duffle and went to the bathroom to shower. Today was going to be a long day.

Coming UndoneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora