Chapter 9: Sweet Nothing

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“You took my heart and you held it in your mouth

And with a word all my love came rushing out

And every whisper, it's the worst,

Emptied out by a single word

There is a hollow in me now

So I put my faith in something unknown

I'm living on such sweet nothing

But I'm tired of hope with nothing to hold

I'm living on such sweet nothing

And it's hard to learn

And it's hard to love

When you're giving me such sweet nothing.”

The next day at work, I couldn’t stop smiling from ear to ear. And quite frankly, I didn’t want to stop. I hadn’t felt so happy in a long time. It was hard to focus on teaching when all I could think about was Toby and the way that it felt when he kissed me, and when he pushed me up against the wall. The moment kept replaying over and over in my mind. Toby was an amazing kisser, and my first kiss with him was easily the best kiss I’ve ever had in my entire life. It wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable, like some first kisses can be. I’d never experienced such passion and intensity before.

Toby invaded my mind on that Thursday at work, and consumed my every thought. What was he doing? What was he thinking? Was he thinking about me too? Every fiber of my being wanted to see him again, even if it was just for five seconds. I ached to be where he was. It wasn’t hard to see that I was falling for him after only one date.

Needless to say, this completely distracted me from my teaching duties. The kids could tell I was unfocused and took advantage, becoming unusually disruptive and acting out.

I checked my iPhone obsessively throughout the day, begging to see a notification that I’d received a text from him when I pushed the power button to light up my phone screen. To my dismay, every time I looked (which was at least once every minute) there were no texts or calls. It felt like time was moving in slow motion and the day dragged on without any word from Toby.

I drove home from the school completely distracted by my growing obsession. I knew there was some silly “three day rule” about calling people after dates, but did anyone really follow that stuff in real life? All the games and rules that come along with dating have always been lost on me. I prefer a more straight-forward and honest approach. People should be able to do as they please without feeling constricted by a set of guidelines that make dating more complicated than it needs to be.

By the time I pulled into the my apartment’s parking lot, I had decided that if Toby hadn’t contacted me by the end of the day, then I’d call him. If I wanted something I needed to go get it. All of the seemingly endless waiting was unbearable for me. 

I casually pulled my phone out of my purse to check messages while I walked into my apartment, but still there was nothing. Ugh. This was torture. I needed to calm down, de-stress, and stop fixating on the issue so much. A nice, warm bath sounded like the perfect solution to my problems.

Leaving my iPhone in my bedroom, I slipped out of my work clothes and into a soft bathrobe then headed to the bathroom. The water poured out of the faucet and began to pool in the bottom of the bathtub. I adjusted the temperature to my liking and dumped some bath salts into the warm water. When the tub was nearly full, I disrobed and gently lowered myself into the bubbly bath water. 

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the wall. Immediately the part of my brain that overthinks everything and worries went on vacation. Then my thoughts slowly drifted off, and at some point I must have fallen asleep because the next time I opened my eyes all the bubbles had disappeared and the water was no longer warm.

After draining the bath and drying myself off, I put my robe back on and strolled back into my bedroom. My phone buzzed and chirped on my dresser, and I instantly spun around on my heel to look at the device that hadn’t made a peep all day long until now. Did my phone actually make that noise or was I just going crazy and imagining things?

I picked up my phone, trying to shoo away the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach. I didn’t want to get my hopes up. The notification could have been from a variety of social media applications. A text from someone else, a Facebook message, or even an email. “Just chill, Emma Leigh,” I instructed myself.

My index finger clicked the power button on the top of the phone, and my hand flew up to suppress a scream that threatened to escape from my mouth. I had one missed call and a voicemail, both from Toby!

I jumped up and down excitedly a few times (and almost jumped right onto Boone) before selecting the voicemail and holding the phone to my ear so I could listen to Toby’s voice.

“Hey Emma Leigh, I hope I’m not interrupting you at work or anything... I tried to wait until after school got out to call you… Anyway, I had an awesome time last night and I’d really like to see you again. Please call me back whenever you can... I mean, uh, if you also want to see me again. Oh, this is Toby by the way!” That was the most adorable voicemail ever. He sounded so nervous and flustered, but it was cute and I liked it. 

Of course I wanted to see him again, was he insane? I dialed his number faster than lightning and waited for him to answer.

“Hey gurrrrlllll, what’s up?” I could hear the smile in Toby’s voice as he picked up on the second ring.

“I would love to see you again!” I blurted out as soon as he finished his sentence. Wow, way to sound desperate.

“Are you free tomorrow night? I need to record some games for my channel but maybe you can come over after work to help me and then we can just chill for a while?”

What did he mean by “record some games”? I had no clue, but I didn’t care as long as it meant I could see Toby again.

“Sounds perfect! I’ll let you know when I’m done teaching tomorrow and then I’ll come over to your place.”

Toby gave me his address then we said goodbye and hung up the phone. I smiled down at Boone who was looking up at me, wagging his tail. 

“You want a treat, bubba?” His tail wagged even faster back and forth. I felt bad for almost crushing him earlier, so I went into the kitchen and gave him a Beggin’ Bacon Strip and he devoured it within seconds.

The phone call with Toby made my day and erased all the worry that I’d previously felt. My heart jumped up and down inside my chest with excitement for spending my Friday night with Toby Turner, who was supposedly famous on the internet or whatever.

I had yet to find out exactly how popular he really was.


A/N – I’m sorry this took so long and that it’s so short! I’ve been moving into an apartment and getting ready for college to start again so please be patient with me :) Thank you all so much for reading! Remember to vote & comment if you wish, I really appreciate it <3 byeeeeeee!

Toby Who? -- A Toby &quot;Tobuscus&quot; Turner Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now