Chapter eight

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Juvias POV
No more running, no more hiding. Our job is to protect the guild, our nakama, Gray-sama. Juvia ran and fought off yet another enemy as she listened to our guild scream and fight for us, but it's too late.

"Lucy! Damn it let me out!" Juvia heard Natsu yell as he pounded on the barrier, not leaving a scratch. Juvia looked over to Lucy-san as she ignored her best friend, her love and continued to fight on.

"Juvia stop this! Please don't leave again!" Gray-sama yelled as he too tried to crack the barrier, knowing better than to even try as it wouldn't even leave a smudge.

"Lu-chan please let us help!" Levy yelled as she joined the boys to try and break it down. Juvia looked over for a glance, only to fine tears streaming from Gray-samas face. Juvia hasn't seen Gray-Sama cry since... thought as more of the guild attacked the wall, not that Gray-sama and Natsu noticed.

"Juvia watch out!" Mira yelled as Juuvia snapped back to the real world. Shit Juvia thought as a sword sliced through her sides. Juvia is not going to go down that easily, Lucy-san and Juvia have gotten stronger to protect the ones we love. Even if we are hurt I thought as I looked over to her and watch tears seep through her bangs that covered her face.

"Lucy-san, it's time to end this. The barrier your spirits out up won't hold up much longer, especially with the guild trying to knock it down" Juvia said gesturing to the guild hall.

"Okay, time to end this. Sorry Natsu" she said as she blinked back the tears. It's time, this may seem selfish of us. Taking our lives in order to save our nakama. Erza once told us that we shouldn't die for our friends, we should live for them, but what's the point in living if their not there to live it with you. Either way it's selfish, Juvia doesn't care as long as Gray-sama has that smile that he always wears when she's around. It's such a beautiful smile.

Lucy's POV
Juvia and I joined hands, prepared for the fight ahead, knowing theres no turning back now.

"Unison raid!" We yelled as our bodies lit up. A light yellow light engulfed my body as a light blue one engulfed Juvia.

"You ready?" I asked her as we separate and lift into the air. The wind around us becomes strong and my hair whips around. Juvia nods and closes her eyes as I do the same. It's up to us now.

Natsus POV
I watched Lucy and Juvia lift into the air, a bright light surrounding the two.

"What the?" I heard Gray say next to me. They opened their eyes but instead of looking into Lucy's rich brown eyes, I just see a yellow light. I look over to Juvia who's eyes were a blue light. This power.

"It's their result of training, they wouldn't sleep or eat for days, knowing that they weren't strong enough to protect you. The only time they did eat or sleep was when they were close to death, even then they would be woken by nightmares of losing you" Loke said as he stood by us, watching the girls as they spun around each other as the elements around them followed.

"Why didn't they just tell us?" Gray asked as his bangs covered his eyes.

"They didn't want you to share their pain" Aries said as she stood behind Loke and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Pain?" Erza asked.

"They... They were extremely attacked by the same guy every day at the same time, the attack would last for an hour and then disappear" Loke said looking down.

"They were told if they speak to anyone, that person would share the pain. As their training developed they got used to the pain so the guy would turn it up but, the girls never once thought about quitting" Aries said as she bowed her head.


Hey everyone! I hope you liked the update! Sorry it took so long but I'll try to update more. Have a happy Easter holiday everyone I love all of you little butterfrees!

-pokemon1oadvanced <3

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