My Lethal Love: Eyeless Jack

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Chapter 3

*me: You can't possibly expect me to sleep in the same room as you. I said a little surprised as he pointed to a bed pushed against the back wall. I mean the room was beautiful kind of like a luxury hotel room, the walls were a deep red and the carpet was a dark shade of purple. But there was only one bed! I would not, could not sleep with a murderer.

*Jack: Don't worry darling I will be sleeping on the floor. I only want you in here with me so Jeff and Slender don't try to... He trailed off like he didn't want to say that there was a very real possibility they would kill me. I looked at him he was looking at the floor , grasping his right wrist with his left hand. Why was he so worried they would kill me he wanted to not 2 days ago! But now he seemed genuinely worried about my safety.

*me: Jack ... Why are you... Um trying so hard to protect me? I stumbled over my words I was scared to ask him I don't know why. I mean I know why I should be scared he is a killer but that wasn't the reason . Jack stared at the ground for a long time his hair falling forward shrouding his face. Thinking that I offended him I was about to tell him never mind but he looked up finally.

*jack: I don't know why I want you safe Sara. You just seem to take the crazy out of me. I can't explain it really its like you take the instinct to kill and replace it with the instinct to protect. He paused collecting himself, I don't know why but when he said those words I felt a mix of happiness and anger. So I went with the feeling most prevalent, anger.

*me: If you wanted to protect me then why the hell did you kill my brother!? He was just as surprised as I was when I tackled him throwing both of us on the bed. I tried to hit him but he grabbed my wrists rolling over and pinning me to the bed.

*Jack: Calm down Sara please! ..He said pleadingly which was very odd considering his personality.. Sara I was still protecting you even then. Why do you think he was so close to the window?! Sara when I kill I attack people from where they stand I don't move them. I also don't usually hang them from trees. There is specific reasons why I don't want you with Jeff or slender man ok. Just please let me protect you don't fight me so much.

His tone was utterly serious I fixed my eyes on him as he pleaded with me to let him keep me safe. I don't know why but I was touched by his sincerity I knew he could kill me faster than I could blink but I knew he wouldn't. I also for some reason believed him about not killing my brother although I don't know why because psychopathic murderers aren't typically the most trust worthy. I was so lost in my own thoughts that I almost didn't notice Jacks mask slipping off he didn't notice it though so I decided I should probably tell him. I remembered the way he turned away from me when it fell off earlier he must not want me to see his face.

* me: jack your mask is falling off I know you don't want me to see your face so you should fix it. I promise I won't run off if you let me go.

He chuckled ,and rolled off me fixing his mask.

*me: jack I'm sorry I've been giving you a hard time you can protect me if that's what you really want.

I felt the weight on the bed shift towards me and then there was a warm hand that cupped the side of my face instinctively I opened my eyes to see what he was doing. His face was close I could smell his sweet strawberry scent his face was turned downs and away from me his beautiful brown locks once again shrouding his face.

*jack: Sara I already told you how you make me feel ... But how do I make you feel, do I scare you?

I looked at him thinking about all the feelings I had developed in this very short time. So I decided to be straight forward with him.

*me: Jack I won't lie you scare the piss out of me. But... I put my hand over the his hand which currently cupped around my face... I also feel completely and utterly safe with you. I mean I never really felt anyone cared about me till I met you, even when I was in school all the kids would tease me about how weird I was. I know that I sound really nuts right now but I think for some reason I might actually like yo- and that was it he bent down before I even had time to look at his face and kissed. He kissed me first lightly just brushing his lips on mine then he pushed his mouth hard onto mine he fell back onto the bed pulling me on top of him. I knew this was wrong very very wrong first of all I had only known him 2 days and now I was kissing him like my life depended on it. Hell maybe my life did depend on it I don't know all I knew was that I was thoroughly enjoying this heinously shameful act. Jack slid his large hands down my side stoping at my waist I won't lie I don't think I would have minded him going down a tad further. His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him I twisted my fingers in his brown silky hair. This lasted for about 15 minutes when we heard.

*Jeff: wow I thought it was awfully quiet in here. So should I come back when you 2 are done making little masked babies?

Jack without a word sat up slid me onto his lap picked up the pillow and chucked it at Jeff hitting him right in the face. Then he said in his most menacing tone, close the door Jeffery you didn't see anything. And with that Jeff closed the door and not a another word was spoken.* jack: my god he is such a dick at times. Jack said looking down at me. I looked at jack seeing his face clearly for the first time it was...well I couldn't believe I just kissed such a beautiful creature the only thing his perfect face was missing were eyes.

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