My lethal love: Eyeless Jack

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I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was my loving Jack, then Leo, then the mirror that Jack handed me, and shortly after seeing my reflection the next thing I saw was the ground. Jack quickly picked me up shaking me gently I opened my eyes again and leaned forward "So ummm yeah I look really different guys" I said in a high voice that was wrought with fear of how hideous jack thought I was. But to my relief the first words out of his mouth were "I never thought you could get more beautiful" let me just explain my appearance my hair was now some kind of auburn color, my eyes dark green with this odd looking yellow ring around the pupil, my skin was now the same color as Leo's, very very pale and my body had become more muscular which added a new shape to my body that was defiantly not like that before.

I stood up on my new legs Jack holding my hand for support. I heard Leo chuckle " haha, I remember you being cuter when we were little" during the whole change after I blacked out the first time I saw like flashes of old memories one was most prominent it was of 3 children one with long blond hair who was turned away so I only saw her back, another a boy who had bright white skin and long , sharp fingers and the last one, another little boy with beautiful dark brown and dark grayish skin. The were in some kind of a semi circle and the boy with the long sharp fingers seemed to be drawing something in the dirt, it looked like 3 little masterminds plotting something, that's when I woke up. "We all used to be like this Jack just never hid he stayed in the open let his desires manifest" I whispered all this as if talking to my self. I looked up at Leo and Jack " if I stay this way... Will I want to ... Kill?" I whimpered tears beginning to form in my eyes. Leo didn't meet my gaze as he whispered in a dark tone "There is no turning back now Sara we all feel change eventually".

I cried the entire way home not wanting to believe that someday soon I will want to kill. As we entered the house I broke away from Jack and ran to our room. After showing Leo his room he came to try to comfort me. Next I heard long strides coming from down the hall towards my room the lock clicked and in walked slendy. He took his place on the bed and wrapped a comforting arm around me I heard some one that I really didn't expect Jeff sat behind me on the bed, and after a hushed conversation, slendy and Jack left completely.

I sat there and cried and cried until I couldn't anymore. " I know the change is hard to deal with but if you haven't wanted to kill anyone yet you probably won't." I looked behind me surprised by Jeff's gentle tone. Sniffling I asked " h-h-how do y-you know?" He smiled ... More than just his permanent one this one instead of maniac looked, sad. " because I killed the ones closest to me and that's how I went through the change. You were physically changed by someone that's different. Jack isn't human and neither is slendy so they have always been this way, yeah they could hide behind a human form it wouldn't change there impulses. And you seem to be the most compassionate person in this hell house." Jeff explained in a very level headed and gentle manner which is probably what surprised me the most I leaned In and gave Jeff a hug he returned the gesture, " thanks" I said quietly " anytime " he responded. He got up and told Jack he could come back in.

The lock clicked and I heard familiar footsteps enter the room arms wrapped around my waist and I felt soft lips rest on top of my head. "Hey" he said his voice muffled by my hair. " so I guess today was pretty rough I'm sorry I did that to you, I just though it was time you knew." I turned my head to face him he swept long dark tendrils of hair from my face " it's ok I had to find out eventually right!" I tried to sound happy but my damn teary eyes betrayed me. Jack leaned his forehead against mine and pushed me back against the Bed. And he began to kiss me in a very passionate way and before I get to in depth by the end of the night I was most definitely not innocent. But to be honest my mind was not on his rippling muscles or even the great sex although trust me that was all a plus. It was on how I could have been crying not 5 minutes prior and now this man the first man that I had ever been so involved with could literally make my cloths just fall off. I knew that I had wanted to do this and the stress of the whole day may have driven me to it but hell it was everything a girls first time should be and more so who was I to complain. I was pretty sure however that EVERYONE in that house could hear us. We sounded a lot like wolves and by the time we were done I'm pretty sure we had drawn an entire pack to the house. Unfortunately we didn't have time for any cuddling because directly after we had begun to settle in and cuddle up close there was a banging on the front door...

My Lethal Love: Eyeless JackWhere stories live. Discover now