My Lethal Love: Eyeless Jack

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Chapter 5

I had been living in this house for a week and a half now and it seemed that Jeff and Slendy had taken a liking to me.

"So Ms Sara...Slendy asked me while I was helping clean up dinner... are you and Jack romantically engaged?" I almost dropped the pan I was scrubbing but quickly calmed my self and continued scrubbing. "No why do you ask?" I said sweetly trying to hide the surprise in my voice. I felt long thin fingers on my shoulder. "Ms Sara I already know and I just want you to know that I approve." This time I really did drop the pan I turned around, "what how did you know?!" I said my voice an higher than I had anticipated. He "looked" at me kindly, "Sara he has changed so much since you have been here he doesn't even hunt children anymore, actually I've been seeing a lot of dead deer around the forest in the last few days." I was dumbfounded jack actually stopped killing people. "He stopped hunting kids" I asked astonished. "Yes he said something about how it scared you, and then he just stopped doing it."I was amazed and all I wanted to do was give jack a huge kiss I turned on my heels and ran up the stairs to Jacks room and I heard Slender man call after me and say. "Welcome to the family Sara!" I stopped ran back down the stairs and gave the tall man a big hug "thank you" I whispered and I ran off.

I burst thought the door of Jacks room he was laying on the bed reading, I ran to the bed and flung myself on Jack. "Woah! hey there darling" he said wrapping his arm around my waist and petting my hair with his free hand. I grabbed his face with both hands and trying my very hardest to keep my tone level I asked him, "Jack did you really stop hunting children for me?" I was trying hard not to smile when he stopped stroking my hair and brought his hand to my cheek. He looked at me for a long time stroking my cheekbone with his thumb. "Yes." he finally answered I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck," who told you?" he asked as I nuzzled into his chest. "Slender man said he knew about us already, he also said that I was part of the family now." His grip on my waist tightened he lifted my face up, Sara I know that slender man knows he told me to, he had a big smile on his he looked so damn cute when he smiled. "So does that mean its official then?" I asked him a smile creeping across my lips. "Haha I believe it does make it official doesn't it" Jack replied.

"Hey Sara?" Jack asked as I started to fall asleep. "Yeah" I said yawning curling myself up in an almost cat like fashion on Jacks chest. "I love you" he said in a low voice, now I know I had thought this numerous times before but I had to remember this man is a killer or well he was. But stopped killing people for me a girl he should have just killed when he had the chance. But he kept the promise he made to my brother I still didn't know how they knew each other but hell I would find out sometime all I knew was my brother trusted him so I should to. And besides I really did love him he was sweet and kind and really was a good man. "I love you to Jack." And with that I was out like a light.


"Wait so where are we going?" I asked confused jack had been dragging me through the woods for the better part of an hour. At first I thought he was hunting till I saw how anxious he seemed to be.We stopped finally, as jack turned around to face me. "Sara, this is how I knew your brother" he stepped out from in front of me to reveal a man standing there he seemed so normal... At first. Then I noticed the blood, running from his eyes and mouth. Actually there were no eyes just empty sockets and ungodly pale skin. He opened his mouth to speak and his tongue was black he had some kind of claw like daggers protruding from his fingertips. I couldn't help myself I started to cry and buried my face in jacks chest. "Why did he show me this! Why!" I wailed. I wasn't emptily sure what the hell I was looking at how did this explain a god damn thing?

" Sara, please don't cry." That voice it was so familiar could it really be? Reluctantly I looked at the hideous beast again, " Sara it's me." I released jack who continued to hold my hand as I walked toward the man. I looked long and hard then I realized it had to be him he had the same hair, nose and voice. I broke free of jack and ran to Leo giving him a huge hug while balling my eyes out into his tattered shirt. "why didn't you tell me" I wailed. " I didn't think you were ready to know what we were yet Sara."

How good this be my loving wonderful brother he looked like some thing out of the 1987 horror flick Hellraiser. I was horrified, confused and overjoyed all at once. Which kinda left me speechless and I just continued to stare at me monstrous kin. Leo finally broke the silence by saying " would you like to know what we are Sara, I mean what we really are not just these forms that mother and father gave us" I was astonished what the hell did he mean " forms" is he saying I look like him? Still to stunned to speak I just nodded. Leo reached a dagger filled hand towards my face I jumped back expecting to be shredded but Jack caught me. I had completely forgotten him until this point and sorta wished he was gone because if I really did look like Leo would jack still love me? Within moments I felt the softest touch as my vision became darker.

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