My lethal love: Eyeless Jack

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Sorry for not updating much I'm in college so everything is a little crazy. I'll try to post regularly from now on though!


It's been about 3 months and as previously established I am indeed pregnant. I'm even showing a little, I don't know how all of this will turn out but Jack has been wonderful. He goes out to get me what ever things I am craving. He calms me and I couldn't ask for much more than that. As for my baby I've grown quite attached to the little guy. I think it's a boy it just feels like a little boy. Leo seems to be pretty stand offish though I wonder what his problem is? I need him now more than ever! God I wish he would at least look at me he's always avoiding me now and it feels weird. Jeff and slenderman help me a lot to. It makes me feel so much better to have so many people behind me. I love them all dearly and even though I never thought I would be living with a faceless man, a deranged psycho, my slasher brother, and my masked lover I really wouldn't have it any other way.... wow that could be a song I'm good at this. Speaking of the deranged psycho Jeff found a dog. It's creepy looking though we don't know what breed it is but he's all reddish brown and white with husky markings. But that's not the creepy part he's got the same smile as Jeff. This dog seriously has the same perpetual smile it's weird as hell. But he's really cute he like to cuddle with Jeff on the couch in front of the fire. I think Jeff named him Smile, not very creative but it suits him. They seem to be inseparable now slender doesn't seem to like him very much though he sees kinda scared of him, but then again smile doesn't like him either. Oh jeez! I think I felt the little guy move! But isn't it to early for that? I hope he's ok, I need to calm down I'm always worried about this kind of stuff now. I hope it's not going to be like this when he's born. I wonder what I should name him I wanted to name him after his father but Jack says that's weird, I guess he's right. Maybe I'll name him... Victor I've always loved that name, it's strong and masculine, just like his dad. Yeah I like that name. This is little Victor my little baby I love him quite a bit already and I know I'll only live him more after he's born.

-- January 10

As they closed the diary Jeff and Smile looked at each other as slender choked out between stifled laughs " Victor that's the name of the baby that will aid in saving the world hahahahah." Jeff who was also giggling replied "haha your afraid of dog heheh". Slender seemed offended a little that Jeff was laughing at him. I slid out from behind the cloths that were hanging in the closet, and approached there turned backs "Oh don't be so offended slender I'm sure you aren't really afraid of smile.". All three of them stopped chuckling at once and spun around to face me. " what didn't you know I'm highly trained in the art of the sneak attack." I said coolly and smile spreading across my lips. "umm ... w...we ... were just umm looking for some lotion, for uhh... Um jacks face." stammered the usually cool, collected Slenderman. " haha oh really, well then what's this" I asked as I swiftly grabbed the diary from Jeff. There faces became terrified as I waved the book in front of there faces. " you know I think I could probably forgive you if you go get me some mint chocolate ice cream." They jumped at the opportunity to make it up to me and fled the room yelling apologies the whole way out. "Haha Aurora you are the master" I said to myself as I lay on my bed and dive into my favorite book, waiting to receive my snack.

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