my Leathal Love :Eyeless Jack

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Jeff and I ran around the house cleaning up for the meeting with the other angels. God, life has gotten so out of control lately. I could hear Jack singing softly to the baby in the other room. It was a weird lullaby something about children in the bayou with no friends, I remember him telling me how it was the song about creatures that lived in a swamp, and after some time they grew lonely and began coaxing other children in so they could become friends... and never letting them leave again. Maybe I shouldn't let him sing to the baby anymore but then again I even like the song and it calmed Victor down enough that he isn't crying so there's no harm I guess.

I never know Jeff was such a tidy person he muttered things to himself as he feverishly twisted the pillows until he found the best placement. He even waxed all the floors and washed the windows, cleaned the fireplace, put down an extravagant table cloth, he was really going all out.

" Hey Aurora, can you help me do the dishes? You can dry them if you want." Jeff asked his wide eyes looked in my direction. He looked stressed there was a furrow in his brow and he looked to be sweating a little.

"Sure!" I said as I skipped toward the sink. We talked while we washed the sink of dishes.

"So, are you nervous about tonight?" he asked me.

"Hmm not really, I think I know what to expect." I replied

"Wow really? I'm scared out of my mind. And that's coming from a serial killer." he said clearly astonished by my candor. We talked for awhile about the angels when he finally asked me.

"Did you figure out your skill yet?" he asked me.

" Haha what skill? I have lots of them!" I said laughing at what I thought was one of his dry jokes.

" No, no I mean you specialty, like what you can do to your victims.... we well maybe not victims but, um opponents." he said his voice serious. I could tell he want joking but what did he mean my skill. I don't know what skill I could have I have birth to a holy child for god sake.

" Hmm I don't think I have one is giving birth to great looking kids a skill?" I asked half joking.

"I'm serious! Well I think I know what your skill is but your gonna hit me if I say it." he replied mumbling the last part of his statement.

"Go ahead try me." I said challenging him.

" I think it's your voice..." he said quietly. " Didn't you ever notice when you sign the whole house gets quiet? Not just little Vic but everything, it has a calming effect it makes us all stop and want to listen." He looked away and started scrubbing an unseeable speck on one of the plates.

" I never noticed that no. I never regarded myself as a good singer." I said drying a cup and placing it in the cabinet.

"Well that's what happens I wouldn't be surprised if that's your special gift. we all have one Slendy's is easy to figure out though. That whole telepathy thing, and Jack is especially skilled in the medical field. He knows how to end his opponent life without him realizing he even was killed." he spoke with reverence about them like he looked up to them or something. I thought about it and then asked,

" What's your special skill Jeff? he didn't answer me for a second but he slowly lifted his head looking out the window with a sad expression.

"I'm quiet, I have no empathy when I'm killing everything that once was human about me dies and I'm left there with only hate and savagery. I turn into a monster that no one can escape." he looked back down at the dishes tears welling up in his eyes. it was weird to see him open up like this, I never thought I would see a mass murder cry. But here he was crying into a sink full of dirty dishes. I wrapped my arm around his back.

"I don't think you are a monster. No monster would ever open up to someone like that, they also wouldn't help deliver a baby." I said tighten my grip around his broad shoulders. "Further more I never met a monster who would save a bear sized dog they found cowering in the woods." he looked up and smiled at me and mean more than his usual perpetual smile.

"Thanks Aurora, I'm glad you came to join our family." I was touched by Jeff's words he said it with the most sincere tone that I have ever heard grace his lack of lips.

"I'm glad I'm part of it to." Is all I said before we finished the dishes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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