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"What do you think it is?" Laurence asked Aphmau, trying to catch up with her while walking through the newfound Irene's ruins.

"I-I don't know...." Aphmau responded. She ran her fingers along the swirly engravings on the golden stopwatch. It looked old and dusty, like 18th century old. It had a golden chain attached that could allow it to be worn like a necklace. She tried to blow off some dust to try and see if the engravings made some sort of picture.

When Laurence finally caught up, he got a better look at it.

"It looks like it's been here for a while," he said, "I mean, we did just find it buried in some rocks, who knows how old it could actually be." He was right, they had just found it in a random place. Who knew if it even had any significance to anything at all?

"Do you think it still works?" Questioned Aphmau, beginning to slow down so she could inspect it more.

"Only one way to find out..." Laurence finally said after a few seconds. 

Aphmau sighed "Ok then," she clicked the stopwatch open. Neither of them even got a good look at the inside before a bright white light blinded them.


"Ughhh..." Aphmau groaned, white light still blinded her. She was no longer in the ruins, she knew that for sure. She felt around a little, trying to adjust her eyes to the light. Finally her vision cleared, and she realized she was in a bed. Not just any bed though.

Her bed.

Her old bed from Phoenix Drop.

In her old room from Phoenix Drop.

She leaped out of bed and ran to her window. "W-what the-" she thought aloud, as her eyes scanned the land outside her window. It was definitely Phoenix Drop, well, the old Phoenix Drop. Wheat fields ran across a big portion of the village, looking as healthy as it did when she left it.

When she was dragged to a new time away from it.

The guard towers looked good as new, and Phoenix Drop looked untouched. It looked like it has 15 years ago.

Aphmau hadn't even realized she was wearing her old outfit she had in her last moments in Phoenix Drop. Purple shirt, black jacket, and long jet black boots. Her hair tied up with a purple ribbon. Still confused, someone burst into her room, causing her to jump.

"MOTHER OF IRENE!" Aphmau yelled, almost falling over. There, standing in her room, was a young Dante, still in his armor, but it looked more- polished... 


Aphmau's eyes widened. She took a single small step backwards, still not braking eye contact with her old guard.

Oh no.

Oh god no.

Aphmau finally realized what was going on.

Phoenix Drop was at war with Scaleswind again.

Aphmau was at the one of the biggest moments in time that had one of the largest impacts on the future.



Hey there! Welcome to the prologue of Turn Back the Clock! I hope you enjoyed the first little bit of it! Sorry it's kinda short, remember, first FanFic. I'll try and be updating soon, and I'm super excited for this new book :3

Have a good day!

Luv,    ~.>Char<.~

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