Chapter 7 ~Losing Hope~

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Aphmau was lost.

Aphmau was very lost.

Having not a clue were she was, she continued walking, but she kept in one straight direction counting her steps, so she knew how to get back to where she started. After heading in what had to be at least 10 different directions, she was losing hope, and she was losing it quickly.  Aphmau retraced her steps back to her starting point, and began running her hands through her dark hair, whilst closing her eyes. Her breaths began to get deeper, and she began shaking. Tears started to run down her cheeks.

Aphmau collapsed to her knees, ready to tear her hair out.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME!" she shouted into the distance, although somehow she knew, no one was going to come. And nobody did. The sun began to slip through the sky. Even though she couldn't see the actual sun, the sky which was tinted heavily with shades of pink, orange, and purples, making it evident that it would be dark soon. Aphmau still remained in the small clearing, still kneeling on the ground.

It was odd though, usually the stopwatch would have hit her in the head or something by now. Aphmau had never been stuck in one loop through the night- and it scared her. What was going on? Was she going to be stuck in this loop? That began to worry her.

What if she was stuck? That would mean she let Garroth, Lillian, and Zane get into the Irene Dimension. Or maybe they didn't get in- because Laurance still seemed very much awake. 

What if they hurt Laurance...? Aphmau thought, beginning to freak out again, What about the war? Who won? What happened to Phoenix Drop? What about Aaron? 

Tears continued to flow down her face. She missed her Aaron. She missed her Laurance. She missed her Garroth. She missed the night her and Aaron spent together. She missed the jokes Laurance and her would throw at each other. She missed watching Travis pester Katelyn with lame flirts. She missed looking for Garroth. She missed the thought that Garroth was her friend, and that he didn't hate her, and that he loved her, and that he protected her from Zane- his own brother.

Aphmau cried herself to sleep. Although it was anything but comfortable, she was too tired to care. A noise snapped her awake. For the first time Aphmau genuinely hoped to wake up and see that the loop had restarted, but to her dismay, it hadn't, and it was pitch black outside. Not even the stars seemed to be out. The only thing providing light from anywhere was the moon, that stood in the middle of the midnight blue sky.

She couldn't see any light that might point her in the direction of Phoenix Drop.

"Where am I right now?!" she shouted into the night. Then she recalled the noise that had woken her up. It sounded like the crackling of leaves, and it sounded too heavy to be some sort of animal that resided around the area. It had to be a person. She heard more shuffling, "Hey!" she shouted, "Hey you! Can you help me? Where am I?" 

The shuffling began to get quicker, and it sounded like running, and it was getting more distant. "HEY! WAIT!" Aphmau yelled, as she began to run after it. To her luck, she was faster than the thing, and she toppled over it. They both hit the ground, hard. Aphmau spun the person around to reveal a very familiar Iris.

Aphmau clenched her teeth in anger, as she grabbed for the cloak that hid Iris's features from her. But Iris, as usual, was on step ahead, and shot her hand out, causing Aphmau to go flying into a tree. She grimaced in pain, as she collided with the trunk, and then slid down to the forest floor. Iris quickly stood up and began running away.

"Please..." Aphmau whimpered out, still in great pain, "Wait... I-I need help..." she finished, as she started to cry. Iris stopped sighing, as she slowly turned around, looking at the crumpled raven haired girl. She slowly walked over to Aphmau and reached a hand out to her. Aphmau reluctantly took it, still not sure whether to trust this mysterious woman or not.

Iris placed a hand on Aphmau's heart, and a light began to illuminate the area. Suddenly Aphmau felt nearly good as new, but she was dizzy, very dizzy. Barely being able to think straight, she still noticed that Iris shared a very similar power to Aphmau. And she couldn't quite place her finger on where, but getting a closer look at her she was nearly positive that she had seen her somewhere before.

After Iris removed her hand, she made a mad dash away from Aphmau. As Aphmau groaned and held her hand to her head, she noticed lights in the distance, and not just any lights, village lights. And voices, voices calling her name. She stumbled towards the lights, trying to keep her balance, but it was difficult, considering everything was spinning. As she reached the familiar pathway the led straight to the village houses. She collapsed the moment she felt stone beneath her feet.

She noticed a familiar powder blue haired woman, talking to a brunette. Laurance and Katelyn. They noticed her almost immediately, and sprinted towards her. Although for Aphmau, everything was going in slow motion. Katelyn and Laurance both had very worried looks on their faces as they made their way toward the fallen lord.

They both kneeled down in front of her. Katelyn turned her face away, screaming for help. Aphmau noticed other figures running towards her. She noticed Laurance trying to talk to her, she could make out something along the lines of, "Hold on," and "You're going to be fine." That was the last thing she did here though, before her eyelids began drooping more and more, then finally shutting, casting her out into a deep sleep.

She didn't dream of anything but darkness.

But she did know something.

She wasn't lost somewhere.

She was being kept somewhere.

By her 'trusted companion' Iris.

She didn't know how she knew.

But she did.


It didn't take me a month to update! WOO!

So, where do Iris's loyalties lie? Hm?

All shall be revealed soon enough.

Also I'm not sure why but almost everytime I tried to write 'be' I wrote 'bee'

Like why?


Welp um



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