Chapter 8 ~This is New~

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Aphmau awoke to the sound of distant rustling. Her eyelids slowly lifted, being met with the blinding light of the sun. She lifted a hand to block the sunlight. Aphmau wasn't surprised when she realized that she had awoken in her room she possessed 15 years prior. She threw her legs over the side of the bed, sitting up, and waited for Dante.

And waited...

And waited...

And waited...

After what had to have been at least 20 minutes she got up and looked out the window, a confused expression falling upon her face. Villagers were out and about seemingly doing normal things. But Phoenix Drop was in shambles. Houses were crumbling with holes in their roofs, the pathway was slightly demolished, and there were many more people then usual, most of them appearing to be guards.

The door to Aphmau's room began to creek open. She spun around to be faced with her old friend Laurance, a bright smile appeared on his face when he noticed her.

"I see your up. How are you feeing?" he asked in a rather concerned tone.

"Um... Confused? What happened?" she responded, hoping that at least he could give her some straight answers.

"You mean yesterday? Well... Dante went to go fetch you and bring you to the gate from your room, except he couldn't find you, no one could, so we had to begin battle without you. Nicole returned shortly- thank Irene- and gave her father a nice punch right in the eye," he chuckled, "despite the circumstances, it was pretty amusing. Anyway, we were able to reach peace, and everyone started a search party for you and High Priest Zane... And Garroth..."

"Garroth?" Aphmau asked, cutting him off.

"Yes... Not long after the war ended, Garroth approached me and gave me a friendly brotherly hug- or at least what I had thought was friendly. Then he disappeared, along with what I later discovered... The amulet."

"No..." Aphmau said quietly, her eyes falling to the floor.

"I'm so sorry Lady Aphmau, I should've been more careful..."

"No, Laurance. It's not your fault, you never could've known. We all trusted Garroth."

"Yeah... and that's whats so heartbreaking." Aphmau swore she could almost see a tear forming at the corners of Laurance's eyes, "Anyway, no one has seen him, Zane, or the amulet since then. But we were lucky to find you. You stumbled out of the forest last night and collapsed onto the pathway. Katelyn and I got help, and then we put you to rest, and now we're here."

Aphmau took a moment to take what Laurance had just told her in, as memories from the day before began to flood in.



Laurance and Katelyn...





She stumbled backward a bit, placing her hand on her head to try and cease the major headache that had just struck. Laurance raced forward to catch her before she fell.

"Lady Aphmau! Are you okay?" he asked, undoubtable worried.

"Yeah, yeah," Aphmau said as her headache began to fade, "yeah... I'm just a bit woozy from last night is all..."

"About that," Laurance began, "what happened to you?"

"I- I don't remember." she lied. She remembered every second of every moment, right up to the point where she hit the stone that made up the pathway of the village.

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