Chapter 2 ~The Knight in Shining Armor~

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He looked lifeless, tired, and broken. He was slightly stained with blood, but looked unfazed. Aphmau stood there staring back at him for what seemed like hours, but was really only a matter of seconds.

"U-uh," she stammered hesitantly, "A-are you here to cover me...?"

He didn't reply.

Just nodded.

Thoughts of what Aphmau wished she could say raced through her mind, "I missed you so much," "It's not what you think," "Please come back to me," "I'm sorry this happened... because of me."  But the sad truth of the matter was, she couldn't tell him those things, for it could mess up all of time coming after this. For now, things just had to play out as is- er was.

 She ran towards the burning guard tower with Garroth behind her. Each of them taking down O'khasis and Scaleswind guards as they went. Reaching the plaza, Aphmau's eye's rested upon the Lord himself. She made a beeline for him, anger burning in her eyes. In the moment, she had forgotten  her surroundings, and what was supposed to happen next.

This war is your fault to, she thought with fury. Luckily, though, she managed to collect herself just before she was about to take a nasty swing at him, because someone took care of that for her. 

There was Nicole, rage spilling out of mouth with every word she spat out at her father. He then turned to the Lord of Phoenix Drop and apologized profusely. Aphmau tried to stick to what she had said the first time she had this conversation, and kindly accepted his proposal of peace. But her business wasn't done yet- in fact, she still knew the worst was yet to come.

Garroth approached her from behind.

"Hey Garroth, isn't this great...?" Aphmau hadn't been too sure of what to say to her guard.

He, at first, looked confused- but then his face went back to the lifeless one it was before.

"I'm glad we found peace. However, we need to keep that amulet safe... Is it somewhere safe?"

Aphmau couldn't reply. She just couldn't.

"Lord... Aphmau...?"

"Oh- um... Yeah, it's safe," she finally replied.  

But of course, Garroth wasn't going to leave with that answer.

"Safe... Where...?" he kept questioning her,

"Does it matter?" she quickly snapped back,

"Yeah, it does. This amulet is a big deal. We've found peace now, why can't you tell me? Zane has lost, does this really need to continue being kept a secret from me?" he was getting more frustrated by the minute, yet there was a twinge of sadness in his voice.

"I-I'm sorry," Aphmau whimpered back, looking at her feet,

"Can't you trust me?!"

At this point, she had snapped. After all this traitor was about to do,  she lost her composure. 

"I don't know, CAN I?!"


With all the chatter, no one seemed to hear her, thankfully, but Garroth did hear her loud and clear. His gaze turned cold, and without another word, he turned on his heal and walked out of the plaza, leaving Aphmau with the Lord of Scaleswind. She decided that since Garroth didn't know where the amulet was, she didn't have much to worry about, and could discuss business and peace with the Lord as she had done before.

Unfortunately, Garroth had other plans. He stomped his way past the villagers houses toward Laurence, who was at Ungrth's grave, as he had been before. Garroth was angry. He had trouble restraining himself from hitting his "former" friend in the back of the head right then and there. As he approached him, Laurence spun around. 

"Garroth," he breathed out, relief in his voice, "Geez, you scared me there for a moment,"

"You fought a good battle Laurence," Garroth replied,

"As did you,"

"You wouldn't happen to know where that amulet is- would you...?" 

"Um..." Laurence said confusingly, "Yeah... I have it," he pulled out the amulet and showed it to Garroth. It sparkled like a thousand diamonds in the sunlight. Garrotes eyes passed over it, as he tried his best to hide his enthusiasm. "Why do you ask...?"

"Oh-" Garroth's head snapped back up to the guard, "No reason, I just wanted to make sure it was safe," he said with a smile.

Laurence smiled back and put the amulet back into his pocket. Garroth's smile turned into an evil smirk as he looked at the ground, then back up at him.

I've wanted to do this for so long, Garroth thought, still with an evil smile plastered onto his face. He swung at Laurence, and hit him directly in the back of the head. Laurence fell to the ground and let out a small groan, before everything turned black. Garroth grabbed the amulet from his pocket, and looked at it in all it's glory before shoving it back into his pocket.

"Time to make you and Lord Aphmau pay," he said quietly to himself, before walking through the gates of Phoenix Drop towards the forest. Not knowing that Aphmau had seen the entire thing go down. Not knowing that she knew exactly where he was going and what he was doing.

Not knowing that she had a plan of her own now.

Not knowing that she was going to live to regret everything she was about to do.



Hey! Sorry I took so long to update. Tbh I was trying to think of how I was going to continue from where chapter 1 left off, because I had no idea what to write xD

That and I'm still grieving the death of Aaron and Zane

Yes and Zane. I mean in my opinion he was like the best villain ever.


All that aside, I should be updating again next week or the week after that. (Or this weekend I really don't know.)

Have a good day!

            Luv, ~.-Char-.~

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