Chapter 5 ~A Spark of Hope?~

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Aphmau snapped her eyes open, and stumbled off- you guessed it- her bed in her old room when she was the lord of Phoenix Drop. She hit the floor with a smack, landing on her stomach. Sunshine was just beginning to filter through her window- as it had been the two times before. For a moment- Aphmau just laid there- contemplating everything that had led up to this exact moment, her lying face down on the floor- 15 years in the past.

Dante burst into the room- as expected- but froze when he saw his lord face-planted on the ground.

"Lord Aphmau! Are you okay?!" he asked frantically- sounding genuinely worried. The raven haired girl made up her mind right then and there- if this day was going to mean nothing and just repeat- she might as well say and do whatever she wanted. Aphmau stood up- without a word to her blue haired guard- walked out of her room- out of her house and towards the gates.

Dante was sprung up and ran to catch up to her, grabbing her arm, pulling her to a stop once he did. "Aphmau what are you doing?!" he yelled at her in a very confused tone. She looked back at him- before pulling away, continuing her bee-line towards the groups of soldiers on the wall. She climbed to the top and stood above the gates, narrowing her eyes at the Lord of Scaleswind. Dante followed her, glancing at Laurance- who was already on the wall, before he stood next to his lord- still confused.

"The day has come- give me my daughter now, or I'll come in and find her myself!" The Lord of Scaleswind announced, right on cue as usual. But what made this day different- is that Aphmau was getting angry, and frustrated- and she was going to let everyone know.

Putting her hands on her hips, she yelled back, "Great plan genius! Follow the well-known corrupted High Priest's plan to find your daughter. I hope I get to see the stupid look on your face once again when you can't find her because you're too stubborn to listen to anyone else!"

It was clear that the Lord of Scaleswind was not expecting that answer, nor was anybody else.

"Excuse me?!" he shouted in response to Aphmau's 'lovely speech'.


Zane just scoffed- and even he sounded a bit offended, and confused, "I think it's best if you learn more about your place here Lord Aphmau. I wouldn't be spitting out threats and accusations at this moment if I were you."

If she hadn't been set off before, this was sure to do it. Her eyes narrowed at the High Priest. A hush fell over both large crowds of guards.

"Lord... Aphmau...?" a meekly voice broke the silence. She turned to the direction of where the sound was coming from. It was Garroth. Her fellow guard. One she still- to this day- trusted with her life. But for the time being, someone had taken that away from her, which just made her angry. The same man not only was about to try and take away her life, her village, her family, her world, but her friend too.

Aphmau then did something she never thought she ever would, especially not in front of all these people. She grabbed broad green emerald sword from Laurance's scabbard and launched it at Zane Ro'Meave- not thinking twice about the consequences. Everything began to slow down.

The sword glimmered in the air as it flew across the sky, heading right in the direction for Zane. Unfortunately- he and his magick users were faster, and turned the sword to be headed back in the direction for Aphmau. 

Yet something else shown in the distance- a sparkle- could you say, of hope? The object flew at the sword, knocking against it, making a much louder noise than you would suspect. The sword was inches away from hitting Aphmau's heart, but just before it came in contact- a white light was shown, blinding her, as her surroundings began to fade away into a beautiful- yet familiar garden.

Aphmau laid on the soft grass and vibrant flowers that covered the ground, with her long raven hair sprawled out all over it. As she slowly began to sit up, she noticed that the area seemed to be much more open, and there were now purple flowers added to the large tree that remained in the center of the field.

She noticed a woman in a long white gown along with a short blue cloak shielding her face sitting up against the tree, gazing at her environment. Aphmau approached the mysterious lady, and waved a hand once she was standing in front of her.

"Hello," the woman said gracefully, still gazing around at her surroundings.

"Um... Hi?" Aphmau responded in question. An awkward silence remained between the two for what could've only been a matter of seconds, but which felt like an eternity to Aphmau, who hadn't even been granted eye contact by this other person. 

"Are you the same person who I spoke with earlier?"

"Yes... Although last we talked my figure was... well... faded."

"Right- I remember that, and how you wouldn't tell me anything about... this situation."

The woman finally made eye contact with Aphmau. The former Lord of Phoenix Drop couldn't quite place her finger on what, but she found a sort of comfort in the girls eyes.

"Do you like what I've done with the place?" the woman answered after a pause.

"Excuse me?"

"I added my own touch," the woman motioned to the field and tree, taking another long look at them.

"Listen lady, I don't mean to snap at you, but I need to get out of here! Can you skip the small talk and tell me why I'm here?"

The girl's gaze fell back upon Aphmau. She couldn't completely tell the woman's expression behind her cloak, but it wasn't as calm as it had been before. It seemed, as far as Aphmau could tell, worried, which was scary to her because this was the only person who she felt could give her any information on where she was.

"Darling, I can only tell you so much at one time, but what I can tell you is that you must stay away from that watch."

"What? Why?"

"..." the cloaked woman didn't respond.

"Please. I'm begging you- just tell me. I have people I need to get back to. People that are probably worried sick about me right now! I just want to go home... I want to see my family- my friends again..." Aphmau began to tear up.

The woman reached out her hand and placed it upon Aphmau's cheek with sympathy. Aphmau's first instinct was to pull away, but for some reason suddenly, she felt like she could maybe trust her.

"Do not worry, dear Aphmau. Your time has frozen. No one even knows your gone- in fact, you haven't even disappeared in their minds."

"Wh-what? What does that mean?"

The girl sighed, removing her hand from Aphmau's cheek. She placed both hands on the raven haired girls shoulders.

"You'll be okay." She pulled Aphmau into a hug. The now tearful lord was reluctant at first, but eventually melted into the hug, returning it as well.

A bright light began to blind her once more, and as it did, she realized something.

She never told this woman her name.

So how did she know?



I really don't have much to say right now.


I've made a decision on my last 'dilemma' about the unknown information I hadn't thought to incorporate when I first started the book. 

And that is all shall be revealed, soon enough. (as you saw in the book with the frozen time and such)

I'm untangling the small knot I made.


So uh.. Bye? See ya later?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't know what I'm doing.


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