Chapter 6 ~At Least We Got a Name~

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Aphmau made her way through the dense forest that surrounded Phoenix Drop, leaves crunching beneath her as she did. After waking up to her current dilemma for the fourth time, she decided she needed a walk- since it didn't really matter what she ended up doing because it'll end up being as if she never did. She never really got the chance to explore much of the wilderness beyond the walls of her village, and she never got to see how beautiful it really was. How sunshine perfectly cascaded through between the scattered leaves and branches from the trees onto the ground. How handfuls of beautiful flowers decorated the bushes that were scattered across the woods.

She decided that when she got back to her proper time- if ever- she would visit the wilderness more often. Aphmau found that the area was a good place for her to think. No distractions allowed thoughts to flow through her head.

Maybe I'll never get back, she thought, maybe I'll be stuck here forever. But would it really be so bad? I'd never have another worry. What I did would never matter, and I could do whatever I wanted. Aphmau was shocked by her own mind. It would be crazy to think that this situation wouldn't be 'so bad.' She'd go crazy! Repeat after repeat after repeat after repeat. And what would happen to everyone else?! They'd be stuck.


Aphmau continued her trek deeper into the forest. The farther away she got, the less likely someone was to follow her. She kept walking and walking and walking and walking, until she ran into something that knocked her to her feet. She looked up, holding her hand against her forehead. She was at the border of Meteli. Or old Meteli. Whatever.

It didn't matter what it was though- because there wasn't much left of it. It was evident that the village had been burnt to the ground. I wonder by who, Aphmau thought with a scowl. As she began to stand up, she wondered what exactly she had run into. The raven haired girl stuck a finger out in front of her- as if to poke something. Her pointer finger collided with some sort of barrier, that rippled purple when she came into contact with it.

She gazed upon the ripple as it went farther and farther into the sky- like a river- until it finally met itself at the top of what seemed to be an invisible dome. Did anyone else see that...? Aphmau wondered raising her eyebrows. Whether anyone noticed the disturbance or not- it was obvious that there was something surrounding Phoenix Drop; blocking it off from everything else.

Aphmau heard something- or rather someone- snap a twig behind her. She spun around unsheathing her sword, and pointing at the uninvited visitor. There before her stood her 'dear friend,' the cloaked woman- frozen in a sneaking position, because of the now present sword at her neck.

"I was trying to scare you," the woman said in an emotionless voice.

"Wh-what?! Why?!" Aphmau said, taken aback as she slowly let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding.

"I thought it would be funny," she said, once more in a monotone voice.

"Yeah- well it wasn't. But you did scare the crap out of me. Happy?" Aphmau responded in an annoyed tone as she lowered her sword. The mysterious woman straitened out her previous hunched over posture, and smoothed out her long white gown.

"What are you doing way out here?" she asked the heavily breathing lord.

"I should be asking you the same thing."


"Speaking of asking- I have a few questions." Aphmau said, as she walked over to a rock that was just big enough to sit on. The cloaked woman remained silent as the pivoted herself to face the frustrated girl. Aphmau waited for her to respond, until she realized that she wasn't going to and continued, "First off, who are you? I don't want just a name. I want to know who you are. And what you're doing here. AND HOW THE HECK I'M SUPPOSED TO GET OUT OF HERE!"

The woman sighed, "Well my name is... My name is..." the woman looked like she was thinking.

"Well? Spit it out!" Aphmau said impatiently.

"My name is Yes! My name is Iris!"

"Iris...?" Aphmau repeated suspiciously.

"Yep that's me! As for who I am... Well... I can't exactly say..." 

"Of course. And let me guess- you can't answer my next question either?"

Iris sighed, and shocked her head, like she was disappointed at herself.

"Awesome," Aphmau said sarcastically as she stood up. They two stood in an awkward silence, as they both tried to avoid any and all eye contact. Suddenly though, something began flying toward Aphmau, who quickly noticed it and knew exactly what it was. But she wasn't the only one who noticed it. Iris saw it too, and she was one step ahead of Aphmau.

With a gust of wind, Iris was standing between the sparkling object and Aphmau, her back toward the now shell-shocked girl. Iris's hidden eyes narrowed, as she reached out her arm and stopped the flying piece inches from her finger tips. Keeping her eyes glued on the golden stop watch, she began circling it.

Aphmau stood there in utter disbelief, "What?! How?! When?! What?!?!" she began to sputter out. Iris shushed the girl by gesturing her hand in the space that separated them. She began to examine the old watch. It glittered in the sunlight as it hit it at the perfect angle, at every angle. Iris reached out to touch it gently, but it disappeared in a little cloud of smoke when she tried to come in contact with it.

Not a second after the watch had vanished, Iris had too. 

"HEY!" Aphmau shouted, running towards the place the woman had been just moments before. She looked all around for any trace of her, but couldn't seem to find anything. "Wow," she said, clapping her hands together, "THANKS A LOT FRIEND!" she shouted towards the sky. Her voice echoed across the little field she stood in between Meteli and the forest.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming from the forest. Multiple footsteps. 

"Lord Aphmau?!" someone shouted. Aphmau recognized that voice immediately. Laurance. 

Crap, she thought, Wait... Shouldn't he be knocked out by now? Aphmau questioned, looking at an invisible watch on her wrist, "Nope... I messed up the timeline." she said softly to herself, tapping her foot, "Welp, It was fun here while it lasted. I laughed, I cried, got abandoned, and now it's time for me to blow this joint." Aphmau said just as softly, and began a mad dash to her right, along the line of the barrier, and away from the voices.

She dashed back into the forest, sprinting as she went farther and farther away from the voices until she could no longer hear them. But now she was lost. Lost lost. Aphmau spun around, looking at all her surroundings, trying to find something familiar. Nope.

She groaned, face palming, This is why I need to explore more often... 

What am I going to do now?


Arg! I finally updated after like a month!

Haha while I was writing this I made Iris sound like Castiel from SPN.

Any fans out there? Ehhhh? EHHHH?

#Destielforlyfe #Crowleyisqueen #Ineedtofindseason11somewhere #toomanyhashtags #timetostopthisisgettingcringy




Anyway, WE HAVE A NAME! Most of you probably already know who Iris is, but I'm just going to keep writing like you don't.



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