Chapter 4 ~Wait- What?~

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"Urrrggblurrgg," Aphmau mumbled as her eyes fluttered open. She moved her hand to rub her forehead, as her vision adjusted to her surroundings. She turned her head to the left, and took in her environment. It was her room- her old room- from the old Phoenix Drop- the one she had woken up in not too long before. "...What," she said blatantly, with a hint of confusion and even annoyance. 

She slowly began to sit up when someone burst into her room.


"WHAA!" Aphmau yelled, falling off her bed and onto the floor, face planting, "Ow..."

"Lord... Aphmau...?" Dante questioned, tilting his head at the fallen lord.

"Yep... I'm coming..."


Dante ran down the pathway, as Aphmau followed at a slower pace.

What in the world is going on? Aphmau thought to herself, keeping her eyes locked on the gate, First- I go back in time, then I go back again... What? What? What? What? 

She approached the large wall, and climbed up the ladder to the top, looking over the crowd once more. Everyone was in the same place as usual. Every single thing was in it's place. Everything.

"The day has come, give me back my daughter now- or I'll come in and find her myself," the Lord of Scaleswind shouted.

"I-I'm sorry,  but we don't have her! ZANE TOOK HER!" Aphmau yelled back, motioning to the High Priest. Everyone stared at her, baffled of the words that just came out of her mouth.

The Lord of Scaleswind scoffed, "Likely story- High Priest Zane already told me of your lying ways, you can't fool me Lord Aphmau..."

"You know- you should never be pointing fingers at those in power without any proof, it's a bad move on your part," Zane said in a sinister tone, letting himself into the conversation.

"I'm not lying..." Aphmau said, her voice lowering to a more silent tone.

"Last. Chance. If you don't hand her over now, this. Means. War." the Lord finished.

Aphmau sighed, "Then I suppose we don't have much of a choice here, do we?"

The Lord of Scaleswind's expression turned into a one of fury, as Zane let a malicious smile onto his face.


Guards flooded towards the gate, as Aphmau slid down the latter, with other guards that were previously on the wall. Aphmau was quickly trying to develop a plan in her head- first step, get rid of Brian. Just as he was about to pull the lever to open the gate, she launched at him, using the blunt edge of her sword to knock him out. Guards stared at her, dumbfounded.

"He was a traitor," she tried to explain, however, this did not change everyone's bafflement, "ugh- I don't have time for this- JUST GO WITH IT!" she shouted, running toward the other side of the wall- remembering that it was about to be destroyed, "SOMEBODY BLOCK THE EXPLOSION WITH MAGICKS!"

Somebody near the back casted a spell, which managed to cancel out the other one. But, unfortunately, Aphmau had forgotten about the second magicks user on the other side, who destroyed the wall from the other end. Guards from Scaleswind and O'khasis made their way in. Other fighters began fending them off, while Aphmau, knowing that it was a bad idea to leave the sight now- but hey, they already probably thought she was insane, went along the edge of Phoenix Drop, in the opposite direction she had gone the last time.

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