Chapter 12 ~The Ultimatum~

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Aphmau pealed here eyes open, feeling a throbbing pain in her head. The sky above was dark, her surroundings illuminated only by the faint glow of stars, and something else... When her vision focused, she found herself on a stone path leading into the Phoenix Alliance island- and she was surrounded by screaming. Shrieks that pierced her ears and made the headache worse. The houses were smothered with flames, people ran wild in the square, and in the middle of it all-

No, it can't be...

Zane Ro'meave.

Aphmau stumbled to her feet, clutching onto a nearby tree to help herself up. The world span, the screams dulled to the beating she felt in her head. Aphmau slipped down, the pain growing. She groaned, bringing a cool hand to her forehead. She wanted so badly to run to her village, to stop this, but her mind simply wouldn't let her move.

Aphmau watched in horror as a girl she had only known for a few weeks, as Isabell got too close to the Zane in her escape, and was slaughtered mid-run. Blood splattered across stone ground, and the woman's body slammed down with it. Aphmau shook her head in disbelief, remembering the dream she had what felt like centuries ago. This can't be happening, she thought. Yes, the dream had been different, but similar enough to the point where she should have seen this coming. She could have stopped this. But, no, she was too concerned with leaving this universe behind that she didn't have the time to consider its fate, because at that time she had brought it upon herself to decide what the future held- and that was that she was getting home as soon as she could. But, it's been so long now, what if she had a chance to escape and she missed it? What if this was her future?

A figure with pale brown hair broke her thoughts. He was approaching Zane, sword in hand, ready to strike.

No- Laurance! GET OUT OF THERE!

But no words came out. An oh-so-familiar blonde was on his feet, sword raised in the same fashion. Aphmau was trying so hard to scream, to say something, but she had lost control of her body. The pain had hold of her actions, and it wasn't planning on letting her do anything. Garroth sliced through Laurance in a quick motion, right into his heart. Laurance's eyes went wide, no time to change his fate. 

It was sealed.

He was out of time, there was no turning back the clock.

Laurance fell to the ground, lifeless. Suddenly, a scream erupted from Aphmau's throat.

Great timing.

Zane and Garroth both turned to look at her, and then darted in her direction. Aphmau didn't think, her feet carried her into the woods. The pounding in her head and the adrenalin rushing through her veins distracted from the fatigue of sprinting. However, it also distracted her from where she was going, causing her to trip on a root. She couldn't get up, everything hurt too much. Using the little energy she had left, Aphmau flipped herself over, ready to stare death in the face.

Zane skidded to a halt over her, "Hello, Lord Aphmau- or, should I say goodbye," he drawled, a psychotic grin forming on his face. Aphmau said nothing- maybe, if she had the energy, she would have spat something back, insulted him one last time before her journey was over. Or maybe she would apologize to this universe that would spend its ending days with Zane Ro'meave. Or, maybe she would say goodbye to those she loved, but the sword that was just feet away from her face took the words from her.

But, before the sword could come down upon her, a hooded figure plunged his own sword into Zane's side.

And then, time froze.

Garroth had come up behind Zane, eyes wide at the situation. Aaron, the hooded figure, was in the midst of tackling Zane, who had a sword cutting through his torso, to the ground. It was a gruesome sight, but Aphmau was too busy looking at the angel behind her.

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