Chapter 3- Not Alone

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Posted two chapters, say what?
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!! xD

'This pain is part of being human. The fact that you can feel pain like this is your greatest strength.'

Chapter 3
River's POV

The floor beneath me shook, it's movement awakening me with a start. At first, I forgot where I was. The cream-colored canopy around me merely knitted my brows together. My eyes ran over the men and women around me, each appearing as solemn as the next as ropes tied around their ankles and wrists binded them together. It was only then that my harsh reality hit me.

Oh Goddess, it wasn't a dream.

Reality began to sink in along with many foreign feelings that I couldn't quite decipher. I didn't know how I was supposed to feel in this situation.

Angry? Sad? Perhaps, both?

I hated this feeling. I hated feeling angry. It was the one emotion I always tried to black out whenever it would try to wiggle its way into me. I usually won, but not this time. This time, the feeling coursed through me so strongly that my body shook, tangibly feeling the horrid emotion corse through me.

That monster, disgusting, vile creature, how dare he! To his own son!

'Son?! I never viewed you as such. You were nothing but a slave, the irony is now you actually are.' His horrid laughter rang through my head like a pesky pigeon.

The one person that was supposed to love me, no matter what, didn't. If even someone related to me through blood couldn't love me, how could someone completely unrelated to me love me?

Am I bound to a life of agony?

Suddenly, the wagon stopped, causing all of us to slide across the contained space into one another. I whimpered as I felt a stinging pain on the right side of my cheek as a man three times my size hovered over me.

I felt a prickle on my shoulder as a wave of fatigue hit me and darkness engulfed my vision.


Where am I?

My body shook as I awoke. My teeth chattered as what felt like, air close to twenty degrees below zero engulfed me. The room I was shoved into looked like something straight out of a horror novel.

An entirely metal encased room with blood stains in more places than none. Chains hung leisurely from every corner connecting to a nearly dead looking person in rags. Every man and woman alike had a look of complete despair in their eyes as if they were waiting for death to come and take them away.

Oh my Goddess.

An old woman looked up at me from the corner closest to me.

"Water...please..." she struggled out through a gravelly voice.

Tears began to well in my eyes, "I'm s-so s-sorry."

She smiled fondly at me, momentarily, before collapsing like a heap of wood onto the cold, metal floor.

Silence encased the room as everyone's eyes stared in her general direction. Some had a look of sadness on their faces while the rest looked jealous, almost as if they wished they could take her place, to be as dead and lifeless as her, and the idea chilled me to the bone.

Is this what I'm going to be subjected to for the rest of my life? To pain and starvation? Sadness and despair? Only to wait for death himself to one day sweep me away?

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