Chapter 73- Happily Ever After

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"It's never too late to live happily ever after."

Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

Happily Ever After

River's POV

It had been nearly three days since Sam had left the house, taking my letter along with him. All I could think about since his leaving were thoughts of Alastair. How he was doing. What he was doing. I had spent this entire year by his side, always knowing where and what he was doing and when he'd be back to spend time with me. Now here I was, in a home far away from the palace with no contact with him but the single letter he had sent me.

I almost felt like an abandoned housewife and the thought brought a bitter taste to my mouth.

It wasn't his fault; I was aware of that. He was merely trying to keep me safe. Alive. Yet, being so far from him was causing more anxiety than I ever felt in that previously cold cell.

My fingers dug into the dirt as Noah handed me a small plant, its roots sweeping gently passed my wrist as I took it in my palm.

"Put this next to other plant but make sure there's an inch or two between them."

I nodded, placing it gently into the hole I had just dug out. I began covering over with dirt before Noah let out a strange sound of distress.

"Ah, River!" He placed his hand on top of mine to stop my hands from moving, "you're completely burying the poor thing."

He handed me a shovel and put me to digging the holes as he fixed up my mess, brushing off the excess dirt drowning the baby plant. I shook my head and got to work.

Can't mess up digging a hole.

At least, I hoped.

"So tell me more about Alastair," Noah turned to face me as his fingers lightly padded the dirt around another baby plant. "All I really know about the guy is from the folk around here. Is he as intimidating and frightening as they claim?"

I rose a brow at that.

Alastair frightening?

I shook my head at that. "Alastair is anything but frightening," I shoved the shovel into the loose dirt, "intimidating, perhaps. But he's not frightening in the least."

"Hmm," Noah hummed. "Then what's he like?"

I tilted my head at that, brows furring. 

Where do I start?

"Well," I started, "he's incredibly sweet. He's been nothing but kind to me since the moment I met him." My mind wandered to the moment we had first met. How he did nothing but absolutely spoil me for the first few days with pillows and pastries. How he was the one who had first introduced me to chai tea.

I smiled softly to myself.

"He is more than I could ever ask for," I breathed out. More than I could ever dream of.

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