Chapter 40
River's POV
I ran my fingers lightly against Alastair's arm as he slept soundly beside me. His arm wrapped protectively around my figure, cradling me to his chest as I rested silently on top of him, face pressed against his muscular chest. It had been a while since I had awoken but I had chosen to remain lazily in bed, merely basking in the soft warmth that Alastair emitted from his silent form.
Even in sleep, his arm wrapped around me in a protective hold, face pressed gently against the top of my head. Soft breaths escaped his mouth, sending a slight tremor down my spine as the warm breath blew at my hair, escaping down the nape of my neck to my erotic pulse.
I didn't want him to wake just yet. I knew what was to come the moment his eyes opened. We'd leave. He made it quite clear already that he wanted to leave as soon as possible. It was merely his kindness that had kept us here for another day but had he not been as kind we would be in the carriage back to the palace by now.
I felt bad leaving, leaving after such a horrid occurrence. My stay here was so short lived an in and out as we were hurriedly shoved into a cave, only to return a week or so later by Alastair's men. The stay wasn't the best, probably my shortest yet. There was something strange going on, something I couldn't quite put my finger on yet, but I couldn't help but want to explore the possibilities.
Everything appeared far too peculiar. Though Alastair didn't seem to have the same fascination as I did. His mind was one tracked. Once finishing the task at hand he wanted to move on. Unlike my wondrous soul. I couldn't help but jump from one thing to the next as my mind jumped from one conclusion to the next. My mind was a mess along with the rest of me. Though unlike my mind there was not much I could do about my outer appearance.
Alastair hasn't spoken his distaste with it yet...
My face perked up as soft, careful fingers ran down my neck, resting just above my collarbone, wisping to and through in a gentle manner.
"Good morning, love," A velvety voice filled my ear as the skin behind my ear was pampered with multiple light kisses.
"Good morning," I breathed out, turning to see his face.
My breath lodged in my throat as he smiled brightly at me, white teeth glistening under the morning light streaming in through the window.
I ducked, attempting to hide my heated cheeks as my mind wandered to our time in the garden yesterday. The many lip locks we shared beneath scented flowers, lasting only so long before I took notice of a nearby gardener watching us and squeaked out an embarrassed cry. Alastair didn't seem to mind, asking to merely switch locations but the moment was lost and I was far too embarrassed to even consider continuing.
Now I was hitting myself over it, wishing I would have agreed and had just continued our passion moment elsewhere.
Too late now.
"How does leaving after breakfast sound?" Alastair's voice filled my ears as he played idly with my hair.
I nodded.
I didn't want to leave yet but didn't quite have a choice. There was only so long that the palace could function without Alastair's presence.
It would be selfish to keep him all to myself. Though sometimes I wanted to. To lock ourselves in a room for days just embracing one another, soaking in his gentle heat under firelight. But he had important matters to take care of. He was running a country. He didn't have time to stay in a particular place for very long. He needed to take of what was needed and then move on. No dwelling.

Cry Me a River |✔️
WerewolfSince River has been old enough to ask, his father has brain-washed into believing that he's unworthy of any sort of love. Especially from his long-awaited, fated mate. He has no future, just an awaited rejection and a continued life of abuse. All t...