^^This is what I wrote this chapter to. I think it goes quite well with this chapter^^
"It is often said that life is strange. But compared to what?"
~Steve ForbertChapter 64
Strange Encounter
Alastair's POV
The darkened shadow of a passing cloud moved past my face as I peered down at the empty sheets beside me. My fingers brushed lightly against the cold silk as images of River circulated my mind. The expression of true excitement he'd get in the morning time when he'd wake to a cup of Chai on his bedstand. No matter what time of the day, River, without a doubt was in the mood for Chai. And he had such an obsession with roses. He could never seem to pull himself from the garden. Whenever I'd return from a meeting I wouldn't even bother stopping by our bedroom, I'd just head straight for the garden. There I'd always find him within the roses and dandelions, blending in like the true flower he was.
He was not for early rising but I didn't mind. Rather, I enjoyed awakening to him still deep asleep. To awake to his face pressed against my bare chest, breathing softly against my skin. His lashes would always briefly flutter when I'd lift myself from the bed to dress but to no avail, he'd never awaken. I'd leave the room to my love still sleeping and return to him basking in a garden of roses. It was a habit, routine. That is until it was compromised.
My eyes locked on a form I had grown far too familiar with. My heart clenched tightly, my breath lodging in my throat as the images faded away and reality filtered back in. His body was River's. Yet he still managed to wear his skin so differently. From his facial expressions to how he held himself, it was quite obvious to those close to River that it was not him. While River always had a gentle smile on his face, Luna was far more sullen, eyes always widened to that of a frightened child. Though perhaps not entirely his fault. His shoulders always dropped forward and legs spread apart as if waiting for when he'd have to sprint or fight. Always on edge like a feral dog.
River had an air of serenity to him. Perhaps it was the way he spoke. How he was always soft and careful with his choice of words. Or perhaps it was his appearance, his light blond hair and blue eyes that painted the picture of the purest angel. He was both innocent and pure. A perfect depiction of beauty at its finest.
This new form, Luna. Wore River's eyes, his hair, his body yet he was not River. His eyes were clouded, unclear as if he was always somewhere else. His voice wasn't as gentle as River's. Instead of River's soft voice, Luna's was far more ancient. His voice was almost musical even as if he sung his words as he spoke. His vowels were more pronounced, voice louder and more melodically ancient.
The small bundle of blond locks shook, arms moving to wrap tighter around his form. My chest grew tight and before I could stop myself my body lifted itself from my bed and approached the shaking blond. To the sound of my steps, his eyes blinked open, lashes sweeping slightly below his eyes. I stopped in front of him and bent down to my knees. Bright blue eyes rose to my face as his teeth chattered and arms wrapped tighter around himself.
My eyes wandered down his frail, shivering form. Skin began to peel across his hands and arms and clear lines of nail markings ran across the planes of his legs. A rough growl vibrated through my mind, shaking my very core as I gripped at my head. I chose to ignore it, knowing very well what it was. Instead, I reached forward, wrapping my arms around Luna's shaking form and lifting him into my arms.
He tensed in my arms, nails digging into my chest as his eyes locked and widened on mine. I carried him to my bed and gently placed him on the bed, lifting the layers of blankets and furs to wrap around his shivering form. Throughout the ordeal he remained silently, never once taking his eyes off me. He merely watched me.

Cry Me a River |✔️
Hombres LoboSince River has been old enough to ask, his father has brain-washed into believing that he's unworthy of any sort of love. Especially from his long-awaited, fated mate. He has no future, just an awaited rejection and a continued life of abuse. All t...