Chapter 61- Frightened Creature

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^^How I imagine Luna in this chapter^^

"Anger doesn't solve anything. It builds nothing, but it can destroy everything."

Chapter 61

Frightened Creature

Alastair's POV

"Why do you love River but hate me so?" A single tear ran down his face as he spoke, landing against the porcelain with a silent drop as a choked sob shook him.

My body froze, eyes widening as I watched my love burst into tears.

Not my love. A wolf. A monster.

I felt my heart tighten. I blamed it on anger, a sudden anger that shook me along with the shaking of the monster who had now taken River's body.

"How dare you," I seethed. My fists clenched by my side, my previous frozen form shattered by my sudden anger.

The monster flinched, its blue eyes widening as tears and whimpers shook its body.


My heart clenched.

"Stop," I growled, "stop with this...crying." My nails dug into my shirt.

Its eyes fell to the floor and suddenly the potent, metallic smell of blood wafted through the room. My breath pulled as I watched it dig its teeth into its bottom lip. A line of blood dripped from the puncture, slowly falling down his chin to the ground, soaking the white tiles in a searing red.

My teeth clenched as deja vu hit me, a sudden memory of River and I's first meeting, how he'd done the same thing as I carried him from that grotesque carriage he'd been shoved in, away from near-enslavement.

My River.

Watching it copy my love's movements, playing out acts with my love's body, it was disgusting.

My body shook as my throat tightened, "stop!"

The thing flinched, eyes clenched shut as it shook against the cold porcelain tub.

My chest tightened once again. It wasn't River, I knew that. Yet, watching shaking, eyes, River's eyes, so filled with fear, I couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy. A feeling that tightened my chest and made it hard to breathe. It looked so much like River. Too much like River.

It's not River.

My nails dug into the back of my neck, raking through the edges of my hair as I watched it cry.

"Stop," I demanded, voice coming out weak and broken, "please," its head lifted slightly, blue tear-filled eyes meeting mine.

"Please stop."

It swallowed low, its Adam's apple jumping slightly as it nodded slowly. It sniffled quietly, chin rubbing lightly against its knees as it watched me reach for a towel. I grabbed the nearest towel and tossed it into the tub beside the shivering boy. It peered at me quizzically, head tilted as it leaned forward to sniff at it.

"Cover yourself with it."

It seemed momentarily confused before reaching for the towel and slowly lifting from the tub with the cloth in hand. I cleared my throat and turned my head, arms crossed as I peered at the door. It was ridiculous to peer away. I knew that body well enough to know by heart. Yet, I was afraid of what emotions I may feel toward something that was not my lover. The body was his but the essence was not and for that, I would not allow myself to peer at it. River was the only one I'd ever allow myself to look at naked and that was not River, a reminder I desperately needed.

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