Chapter 4- Meeting Misery

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"The man who has no inner-life is a slave to his surroundings."

Chapter 4
River's POV
3 months later~

Life here wasn't so bad, the bread was semi-edible, the water semi-drinkable, and the people semi-tolerable.

Yesterday, a man who looked like he was in his early thirties tried to steal my bread. He didn't get away with it and was pulled out by Dane.

He never came back.

Dane had been trying to make advances. Touches here and there whenever he delivered my food.

Sometimes he gave me extra bread which made the touches semi more tolerable. Thankfully, he hadn't gone any farther than weird caresses here and there.

I'd come to realize lately that Alice was very protective of me, whenever one of the people had tried to take food from me she'd made sure they regretted it, physically. She also wasn't very happy with Dane's caresses but there wasn't much she could do about that; that doesn't mean she didn't try, though. Once, she tried to bite off Dane's hand when handing her, her daily portion of food because she had caught him trying to feel me up. Let's just say, he reverted back to just simple caresses out of fear of Alice. I found it quite comical, someone finding Alice, someone so small and petite, intimidating.

Sometimes I wondered if that was what it was like to have a mother. Someone sweet and loving, always looking after you. If I were to imagine myself having a mother, it would be Alice.

6 months later~

It's been half a year already. Half a year since being sold here by my own father.

I don't know how much longer I can stand being here, it was dreadful.

Lately, Dane's caresses had been lingering a little too long, which was getting me very nervous. The fear and paranoia of being raped in this mold infested metallic room was suffocating me and leaving me with a ghost-like persona.

Alice kept telling me how scared she was for me. How I'm too fragile for a place like this. Not that I can argue with that...I don't know how much more I can take.

8 months later~

I can't take it anymore.

Every day I woke up and the stench of blood and corpses just kept getting worse and worse. So many were dying. We used to have 63 people trapped in this small, metallic waste, now we're down to 50.

The winter was very harsh this year and the people who kept us here hadn't provided us with enough blankets. There was only one blanket given for every 4 people. I'd been sharing with Alice and two other people, but one died. Now, there was only me, Alice, and a small boy who looked around four sharing one blanket.

Recently, the boy has been heating up, a fever I predicted. I was getting nervous. He was so young, too young to die. Too young to be put in such a horrible condition. The people who put us here are monsters.

10 months later~

The boy died today. It was horrible. He tried so hard to live, he struggled for 2 months straight but death held him by the neck and wouldn't let go. He was so young. His birthday was supposed to be in three days. He would have been five...

March. That was his name.

When he was born his parents didn't know what to do with him, not to mention what to name him, so they just called him after his birth month; March. After years of struggling to raise him, they sold him, nice huh?

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