Chapter 13- The Past Unfolds the Future

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^^My cute baby River^^

"Nobody is too busy, it's just a matter of priorities."

Chapter 13

River's POV

It's been days since the moment I felt the soft touch of his lips against my own. Since then I've dreamt of kissing him once again, to feel his soft lips against my own. Alastair never seems to be around anymore. He's barely touched me in days and it felt as if my skin was burning for his soothing touch.

He doesn't sleep with me at night anymore. We no longer sleep cradled against each other as he whispers sweet nothings in my ear, rather I spend the lonely nights alone in a cold bed dreaming of his return while he spends the nights in his study. He claims it's because of all the paperwork he must get done, but it doesn't add up. He has a desk in his room. Can't he at least do it here so I can see him?

I miss him.

I'm beginning to worry. Has his heat gotten to the point where he can't be around me? Does he no longer find me attractive?

I wouldn't blame him...I couldn't quite figure out why he had considered me attractive, to begin with...

But through all the insecurities I worried more about his heat. What if his heat is getting to the point where he can't be around me? Why won't he tell me?

What if he isn't eating enough? He's been locking himself in his study for days now with no comings or goings. Oh God, what if he's in pain and I haven't done anything?

The fear ran deep in my blood as I rushed out the room in the direction of his study.

I hit a hard, solid form and fell hard on my butt.

"Whoa, careful there."

I looked up to a nervous faced Michael.

He took in my face with screwed brows.


"Michael you have to help me," I rushed out.



He sighed, "okay, let's get your cute tush off the floor before you tell me what the idiot did this time."

He reached down and picked me up by the waist, setting me carefully back on my feet.

He took my hand before pulling me into a marbled, white room across the hall.

The room smelled like alcohol and herbs. Across the walls in wooden frames laid lists of medical herbs and their uses, along with a drawing of each herb. On one side of the walls laid a small hospital bed along with a small table with utensils next it. The other side laid a glass cabinet with bottled herbs and scrolls. In the far back of the room was a desk with piles of papers. The top, visible ones seemed to be covered in drawings of herbs and the human autonomy.

"Welcome to my humble doctor's office," he peered around the room with a look of pride and content. He sat on the small hospital bed and patted the space beside him. I sat down just as he began to speak, "so tell me did Alastair hurt you..?"

"W-what?! No!"

How could he think such a thing? Alastair was the kindest most gentle person I've ever met.

"Oh," he looked surprised, "then what is it?"

Does he have a record of hurting his past lovers..?

"He's been locking himself in his study for days now..I'm nervous." I looked down at my hands.

"There's no reason to be nervous, that's totally normal."

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